Laatste update
11 mrt 2023
The purchaser of this security token will get the opportunity to invest indirectly in Unit Load Devices (ULDs). The blockchain-based security token is backed by Avdome Inc., a fast-growing Las Vegasbased air cargo container management startup with an exclusive distributorship of ULDs to the global airline market. Avdome Inc. has committed to total transparency in its investment decisions as well as a full disclosure of its financial records. The company is compliant with KYC/AML token purchases. Token holders will potentially receive once-in-a-while payments either in a USD-pegged Stable Coin or in Ether (ETH) based on the performance of Avdome’ s air cargo container management business.
A united load device (ULD) refers to a container or pallet that’s used primarily for carrying load luggage on wide-body or narrow-body aircrafts. ULD pallets are often rugged rim and aluminum sheets designed to lock an aircraft’s loaded luggage. On the other hand, a container often refers to a metal enclosure primarily used to hold cargo during shipping.
The main benefits of ULDs are:
• They make the cargo loading and unloading process easier and faster
• They offer better protection of the cargo against prevailing weather conditions
• They offer improved protection of the cargo against damage during transit
The biggest selling point of our FAA TSO certified ULDs that are licensed to DK Aviation and created by Avdome Inc. is that they’re collapsible. Our ULDs are extremely flexible and can be easily collapsed when being transported or for storage. The latest in our line of ULDs, the LD3 is a Full Knock Down (FKD) kit made up of 7075 aluminum. Compared to past versions and other ULDs, it is of considerable strength and distributes weight evenly for varied sizes of the cargo being transported. As part of meeting FAA guidelines, each panel of the ULD is marked permanently with the customer’s identification code.
Avdome’ s new concept seeks to solve a problem in the air cargo niche: too few ULDs in one airport and too many in others. A good example of this is the Korea-US routes. In this case, the cargo that leaves Korea is almost always at least five times less that the one leaving the US for Korea. In an attempt at rectifying the apparent imbalance, cargo companies and airlines are forced to move empty ULDs back to the other. And because most of the containers that airlines and cargo companies use are not collapsible, only a few of them can be carried in a plane. For that reason, many trips are necessary to transport as many air cargo containers as needed. It takes only a few minutes to both assemble and disassemble DK Aviation’s ULDs. In their collapsed form, they take less space in an aircraft’s cargo deck and can be shipped back to the airports they’re needed at a fraction of the cost that would be incurred otherwise.
September 2012
October 2012
Decemper 2012
2020 - 2021
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