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CENTAUR solves the problem of blockchains interoperation with a state of art interconnection protocol.
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CENTAUR is an ecosystem that will interconnect existing financial system with Decentralized Finance economy. It is a unique network protocol that allows arbitrary data to be transferred across blockchains.

CENTAUR is a true multi-chain environment where cross-chain transaction will be possible.


Liquid capital from your staked portfolio distributed through the liquidity balancer to invest in new opportunities.


Based on the CENTAUR protocol that has a complete cross-chain mechanism and will support mainstream coins/tokens


CENTAUR provide easy-to-use fiat currency funding services trough CENTEX exchange. Users can purchase coins/tokens using credit/debit card


CENTAUR protocol brings improvement in throughput compared to previous blockchain iterations by enabling parallel transaction processing.


A step-by-step guide to getting started building interfaces with CENTAUR protocol.


Earn rewards by providing collateral to the CENTAUR protocol.


geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Rovshan Suleymanov
Company CEO

CENTAUR Laatste nieuws

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