Bountie Hunter

Bountie Hunter

Created using Figma
Bountie Hunter connects millions of web 2 gamers to web 3 games.
Gegevens zijn niet beschikbaar
4 apr. 2022
8 apr. 2022
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
Details token
aanvullende details

Over Bountie Hunter

We are building a post-launchpad product that helps crypto games that have successfully raised millions to scale up to have tens or hundreds of thousands of active gamers. Gamers needs to buy and stake BOUNTIE(similar to a launchpad model), in order to get allocations to our Quests(esports tournaments, airdrops and other campaigns). They will receive attractive rewards in the form of the projects' tokens and NFTs.

Bountie Hunter has access to more than 250,000 Southeast Asia gamers! We can host and run esports tournaments or events, sweepstakes, airdrops and farming campaigns to blast your engagement levels off the charts.

Bountie Hunter Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team


$6 872 766

Lex Na


$6 872 766

Desmond Tan

Bountie Hunter Laatste nieuws

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