Bitcoin Lightning

Bitcoin Lightning

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The cheap and ecological way to use bitcoin.
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Over Bitcoin Lightning

Stellar aims to be the main blockchain system for remittance and El Salvador has recently Bitcoin legal tender (primarily used as Bitcoin Lightning). 20% of the GDP of El Salvador comes from Remittance..

  • BTCLN allows you to convert back from Bitcoin to Bitcoin lightning seamlessly on a DEX (distributed exchange) or other tokens instead of having your Bitcoin Stuck in a Lighting channel earning little returns.
  • Allows seamless use on stellar of all bitcoin lightning vendors such as bitrefill
  • The most popular Bitcoin lightning wallets in use are custodial (Bluewallet, Wallet of Satoshi), BTCLN provides a similar seamless experience but adds 7 trading venues and 6 great wallets.
  • Less Environmental Impact than Bitcoin
  • Faster than main layer Bitcoin or Ethereum
  • Fixes rounding errors from other Bitcoin Anchors. Bitcoin rounds to one more decimal ( hundred million vs ten-millionth). This particularly makes sense for Chilean Peso, Indonesia Rupiah, and VND.,



Easy to use cash in, cash out and trading. Access from your computer or mobile phone.


Send your funds anywhere in the world in seconds.


We use industry-leading technology that protects your funds and guarantees it is available when you need it. Audited by top Law Firm.


Send your funds anywhere in the world for less than 1 penny. See our low feeds and excellent exchange rates up front with no hidden costs.

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