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belo is the simplest way to make your money worth more every day. The app in which you can move in pesos and cryptocurrencies so that your money is worth more every day.
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Over Belo

belo is a digital wallet that offers you the simplest way to make your money worth more every day.

A wallet that provides you with a simple and intuitive experience to make your cryptocurrencies a daily experience,

We want to abstract the technological stuff and focus on solutions. The emphasis is on providing answers to people's day-to-day problems.

 At belo your crypto works for you.  Now you can begin in the friendliest and simplest way.

Transfer your cryptocurrencies, Swap them one for another immediately and earn yields.

belo is characterized by having 3 simple and forceful values: - HUMANITY - TRANSPARENCY - DISCONFORMITY. Everything we build, we do under these 3 guiding axes. Our mission is to put people in control of their future.
Our vision is based on the fact that we believe in the potential of people to achieve everything they set out to do and we know that there are better ways to achieve it.

We believe that the future of the world will be much better if everyone achieves their own. That is what belo is all about: taking as many people as possible to that future that at times can seem so distant and impossible.


Giving people the control of their own future is the mission we set out to achieve from the very beginning.

 We are developing an app that enables you to manage your cryptocurrencies in an extremely simple way, but not only that: we want crypto to be part of an everyday experience.

 So far, through the belo app you can:

  • Deposit and withdraw cryptocurrencies to and from another wallet.
  • Convert your balances between BTC, ETH, DAI, USDC and USDT in a simple, fast and without any fees.
  • Display your balance and earn yields on your balances in order to make your money worth more every day
  • Send and receive crypto at no cost between belo account holders

Belo Team

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Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Manuel Beaudroit
Co-founder & CEO
Manuel López
Hanna Schiuma
Edwin Rager Pgp

Belo Laatste nieuws

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