Aura Network

Aura Network

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Impossible Finance is the go-to crypto investment platform that empowers you with high-quality, fair and accessible crypto opportunities. We simplify DeFi so you can enjoy fairer investing, cheaper trading and better yields through our accelerator, launchpad, and swap platform.
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Over Aura Network

Aura Network is an ecosystem built to accelerate global NFTs adoption for mainstream users. Our vision is to create a one-stop destination for building NFT projects that has real utility and gradually help transforming existing web2 businesses to web3.

Aura Network enhances efficiency through solving the scalability problem. Never cope with sharded chains or fragmented Layer 2 systems again!

• Develop NFTs in one-stop destination
• Support both newcomers and crypto-native
• Integrate to a new fully-fledged Metaverse

Aura Network is built using Cosmos SDK, the world's most used framework for building blockchains.

Aura Network features a universal framework for all stakeholders to create a one stop destination for developing new NFT use cases, a multi-chain platform that can support both crypto communities and traditional businesses and an infrastructure layer for building and integrating your applications to the metaverse.

% naam% Roadmap

  • 2023

  • Quarter I
    • Security Audit
    • Xstaxy Mainnet Launch
    • Aura Core Infrastructure product suite (Aurascan, Pyxis Safe, Horoscope)

    Quarter II
    • SeekHYPE Marketplace
    • Halo Trade DEX
    • EVM support for core products

    Quarter III
    • Minigame Portal
    • Mobile SDK
    • MetaGrant onboarding solution

    Quarter IV
    • Cross-chain game support through IBC
    • Market Insight with Whale Map
    • DeFi/ Liquid Staking Protocols

Aura Network Team

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Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Giang Tran
Yamato Tran
Steve Nguyen
Osamu Suzuki
Head of Global Business

Aura Network Laatste nieuws

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