Arcane Cards

Arcane Cards

Created using Figma
We blend arcane magic with blockchain technology and create the future!
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Over Arcane Cards

What is Arcane Cards ? Arcane Cards is the first platform in the world with a total focus on passive income with NFT.  
We are a platform that offers a lot of functionality in a cross-chain market with low gas cost for the investor. mint, discover and trade unique and exclusive NFTs. We have our native $ARC token, which allows the user to be able to interact with our entire ecosystem, users can trade NFTs, participate in Income Pools and vote through our governance system.
A Deflationary Token
Let's work with the $ARC Token control Our Token will start pre-minted at 14,000,000 Million and our maximum Supply is 30,000,000 Million, 51% of the Supply will be destined for Income Pools and also future listings in brokerages. 2% of all profits collected in the Pools will go back to the Pools in order to keep the system self-sustaining.
Cases of Use
Token Holders Can Generate Passive Income Through NFT Casting System. $ARC token holders can farm $ARC through LP CAKE ARC/BNB pair. $ARC token holders can generate passive income on the ARC/ARC pair. $ARC token holders can generate passive income on automatic compound interest.

Arcane Cards Team

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Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Blockchain Developer and Designer, meet my social...

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