

Created using Figma
Angela (Angela) is a classic and unique SLG chain game based on coin smart chain (BSC). It integrates "elimination, competition, simulation, mining, stacking, swap, defi, NFT and Dao", in which you will lead your angel team to adventure and achieve each other.
Gegevens zijn niet beschikbaar
To be announced
Details token
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aanvullende details
Binance Smart Chain

Over Angela

Angela has a perfect economic system. From NFT exchange to Angel call, synthesis, reproduction and exchange, to land auction and store rental, you can fully enjoy the experience of making money while playing. Angela also has a perfect social system. From the moment you join the game, you are a member of Angela Dao, which means that you can share the dividends of ecological development by participating in the ecological governance of Angela yuan.


The key to game success is fun. Gamefi needs to consider the return of players' time and energy in the game. As a large-scale chain game dedicated to creating phenomenal gamefi, "Angela" has both complete playability and a very solid economic system. Angela presents a virtual world with an integrated economic system for players through five sections: game system, NFT system, defi system, Dao system and token system, so as to further bring users a progressive experience of playing and earning games..

% naam% Roadmap

  • Q3 2022

  • Promote the official launch of super war pet and open NFT exchange
  • Q4 2022

  • Top ten market value promotion plans of the exchange .
  • 2023

  • Launch the global top 100 Dao Association competition, KOL white list plan and incentive plan .

Angela Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Roger Haas
CEO, Head of Sourcing
Romain Donnot
CTO, Head of Platform Development
Jonathan Delachaux
Artistic Director

Angela Laatste nieuws

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