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Reef chain integrates the best aspects from most commonly used blockchains while maintaining full smart contract compatibility.
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약 Reef

Reef Chain is the most advanced EVM-compatible blockchain. It's self-upgradable and has on-chain governance. Its infrastructure also allows for EVM extensions which allows for native token bridge, scheduled calls (ie. recurring payments), and smart contract in-place code upgrades. In the near future, it will support an additional VM which will allow developers to write code in multiple programming languages. The network runs on a Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS) consensus mechanism, which offers scalability and low fees.

Reef chain is an EVM compatible blockchain for DeFi. It is fast, scalable, has low transaction costs and does no wasteful mining. It is built with Substrate Framework and comes with on-chain governance.

Reef is fast, scalable, has low transaction costs and does no wasteful mining.

Reef chain features next-gen blockchain technology, utilizing Nominated Proof of Stake, extensible EVM, on-chain upgradability, libp2p networking and state of the art cryptography.

Port your existing applications from Ethereum to Reef chain without modifying your Solidity code.

Reef staking
Bond your REEF tokens and participate in Reef chain validation and governance.

Liquidity bridges
Deploy established ERC-20 assets on Reef and transfer liquidity between Ethereum and Reef chain.

Community governed
Reef chain is built with upgradability and long-term sustainable on-chain governance in mind.

Reef 최근 뉴스

  • 정보 업데이트에는 시간차가있을 수 있으므로 각 ICO 프로젝트에 대한 정확한 정보는 공식 웹 사이트 또는 기타 커뮤니케이션 채널을 통해 확인해야합니다.
  • 이 정보는 ICO 기금 투자에 대한 제안이나 조언이 아닙니다. 관련 정보를 철저히 조사하고 ICO 참여를 결정하십시오.
  • 이 콘텐츠에 대해 수정해야 할 문제 또는 문제가 있다고 생각되거나 자신의 ICO 프로젝트를 제출하고자 할 경우 이메일을 보내주십시오. a>
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