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ZkSync provides tools for increasing the scalability of layer 1 Blockchain networks. It is a scaling solution for Ethereum with zero security compromises that supports meta-transactions, instant confirmations with economic finality, and low-cost privacy. ZkSync was founded in 2019 and is headquartered in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
To be announced

約 zkSync

zkSync is a user-centric zk rollup platform from Matter Labs. It is a scaling solution for Ethereum, already live on Ethereum mainnet.

zkSync is built on ZK Rollup architecture. ZK Rollup is an L2 scaling solution in which all funds are held by a smart contract on the mainchain, while computation and storage are performed off-chain. For every Rollup block, a state transition zero-knowledge proof (SNARK) is generated and verified by the mainchain contract. This SNARK includes the proof of the validity of every single transaction in the Rollup block. Additionally, the public data update for every block is published over the mainchain network in the cheap calldata.

Decentralized, on principle zkSync  is a mission-driven project. Its purpose is to break financial barriers and enhance world’s freedom — by accelerating the mass adoption of public blockchains.   

This architecture provides the following guarantees:

  • The Rollup validator(s) can never corrupt the state or steal funds (unlike Sidechains).
  • Users can always retrieve the funds from the Rollup even if validator(s) stop cooperating because the data is available (unlike Plasma).
  • Thanks to validity proofs, neither users nor a single other trusted party needs to be online to monitor Rollup blocks in order to prevent fraud (unlike payment channels or Optimistic Rollups).

In other words, ZK Rollup strictly inherits the security guarantees of the underlying L1


First of all, zkSync, as a scaling solution, is capable of making transfers, and doing them quick and cheap. Interfaces and principles of the core zkSync functionality are covered in the payments section of this documentation.

Secondly, zkSync is smart-contract friendly. Targeting 2021, it will be possible to either write contracts in Zinc, Rust-based type-safe programming language, or even reuse existing Solidity code. Contracts interoperability is covered in the contracts section.

Thirdly, zkSync is friendly for exchanges. Atomic swaps — an essential component of exchange protocols — are already  on mainnet!

Fourthly, zkSync has native support of NFTs. 

Finally, zkSync support is implemented for all the main platforms. 


Some of the main features of zkSync are:

  • Extremely low transaction fees
  • Trustless protocol
  • Funds are cryptographically secure, as in the Ethereum mainnet
  • Users are always in control of their funds
  • No requirement for operational activity to keep the funds safe

zkSync 最後のニュース

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