

Created using Figma
ZeLoop’s goal is to provide a new
platform engaging consumers in
the plastic circular economy and
contributing to reduction of plastic
waste that litters our planet.
It is an innovative, responsible eco-friendly app! A B2B2C and B2B Freemium
Application by way of subscription. ZeLoop counts the used bottle you have
gathered and brought to dedicated collecting points but most importantly, rewards
users for this eco-friendly action. Thanks to our app, collected plastic bottles can be
exchanged for goods and services from a sustainable source and eco-friendly use
with specific discounts and can also be used to make charitable donations.
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100% 完成した
資金調達 - データなし

約 ZeLoop

It is a unique proposal mixing real life and virtual life actions in the form of a game.
With the ZeLoop platform, you can collect rewards in return to the deposit of
plastic to collection points or upon completion of actions that corporate members
or organization will initiate through request in the game. The platform will also
have a forum where tips for contributing to the circular economy and the protection
of the environment can be shared and those gaining the most votes will also allow
their authors to earn rewards.
Gamification is an excellent example of how technology can motivate people
into action. People are 10 times more likely to engage with a reward or prize.
We therefore create a community with a high rate of attachment by finding a
way to increase the engagement of our users, so they are encouraged to use the
application and come back frequently

The more you collect and contribute to the community, the more your avatar will
level up, each level giving new rewards.
Through the use of the Ethereum blockchain, ZeLoop creates the Eco Reward
Token. It is an ERC20 Token serving as cryptocurrency for environment-conscious
communities that will be used to rewards users with tokens once they achieve
certain milestones and upon plastic bottle collection.
Eco Rewards Token is a utility token that is required for running the ZeLoop
application and future environmental applications that can be added to the
The main crypto element is a token reward system/loyalty system, which will
transform eco-friendly efforts into cryptocurrency and a token economy around
a prize pool and more. This whole business is pegged to making bottle collection
valuable to the consumers who give back their bottles at the collection points.
The adoption of blockchain technology in many industries is an indication of
the potential of improvement that the technology carries over multiple sectors.
ZeLoop is a “two-step” solution: enabling adherence to eco-friendly actions through
gamification and enabling users to earn redeemable points while participating in the
plastic circular economy

ZeLoop チーム

検証済み 0%


Eric Schaffner
Founder & CEO


$7 000 000

Tuan Pham
Founding Partner
Fabien Chung
Founding Partner
Alexandre Rigaud
Founding Partner

ZeLoop 最後のニュース

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