XAU.DIGITAL is a decentralized protocol dedicated to bringing the real-life value of gold to the cryptocurrency economy. The XAU Protocol employs a three-token system. The first being, Gold Grain (GRAIN), a governance token that is used by stakeholders to maintain the system and for managing Gold Gram (GRAM) and XAU Digital (XAU). GRAIN token holders are the decision-makers of the XAU Protocol, supported by the larger public community and various other external parties. The second being, Gold Gram (GRAM), a digital token that offers value soft-pegged to the real-life value of one gram of gold on a good delivery gold bar. The third being, XAU Digital (XAU), a collateral-backed digital token that offers value soft-pegged to the real-life value of one troy fine ounce of gold on a Good Delivery gold bar. The XAU community believe that a decentralized digital currency soft-pegged to the real-life value of gold is required to have any business or individual realize the advantages of a safe-haven digital asset.
Q4 2020
Q3 2021
Q4 2021
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