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Wizarre is a free-to-play, P2E, 2d fantasy NFT based game. Set your best Wizards, level them up and train your gaming skills in bizarre turn-based magic fights! A revolutionary multiplayer NFT blockchain game. Free to play with a built-in Play & Earn system, all bundled into a joyful experience.
  • 市場
  • Bilaxy
    SCRL/BUSD 1年前
    $ 0.0001
    $ 16.332 K
  • Bitrue
    SCRL/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.0002
    $ 47.217 K
  • PancakeSwap (v2)
    SCRL/BUSD ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.0011
    $ 84.187 K
To be announced

約 Wizarre

What is Wizarre? Wizarre is an NFT blockchain-based video game that takes place within a 2D magical fantasy world. All in-game characters and elements are rare and represented through NFTs (BEP-721 tokens) to provide proof of ownership, which are Wizards, Lands, and equipment.

The game is free-to-play and leverages a play-to-earn model, both merged into one ecosystem to allow anyone to immediately not only instantly dive into the gameplay but also simultaneously earn rewards - the intent of this model was to reduce the barrier to entry for all users.

A Treasury is in place to help oversee and manage in-game assets and tokens to ensure the economy remains intact. The Treasury is funded through a variety of different fees from player activity within the game.

Token Details SCRL is the platform’s native utility token which can be used for staking, paying for various in-game perks, trading on the marketplace, summoning new Wizards, and more. It’s a BEP-20 token that runs on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) to leverage its speed, scalability, and low transaction fees.

Through its burn mechanism, the total circulating supply of 100 million tokens decreases over time and will therefore never rise in quantity.

Game Mechanics The main objective of the game is to create new Wizards through breeding, level up your characters, and ultimately win battles against opponents. The more elements that are combined, the stronger the character spells and statistics become to help advance players to the top of their respective leaderboards.

Players can engage within the game in a variety of different ways, such as sending their Wizards on adventures to earn passive income, partake in matches and leagues, go on daily quests, and more.

Summoning is a key aspect of the gameplay - a new Wizard is created through the “Ritual of Summoning” where a player must select one Land and two Wizards in order to complete the process.

The platform has also developed an NFT marketplace where users can trade different Wizards, Lands, and skins with one another to further increase and better represent their value.

Where Can I Play? The team at Wizarre has built an application for both computer web browsers and mobile phones, so users can play on-the-go while still earning.


  • Q4 2021

  • Institutional sales

    Marketing campaign start

    Public token sale (IDO)

    Token Generation Event (TGE)

    PancakeSwap token Listing
  • Q1 2022

  • Genesis NFT Wizards

    NFT Card Collection

    CEX listing

    Web App Release

    First Land NFT Sale

    New website launch
  • Q2 2022

  • Staking Journey

    Enhancements release

    New game trailer release

    Wizards Statistics reveal

    Ritual of Summoning release
  • Q3 2022

  • Wizards' Spells uncovered

    Ritual of Summoning upgrade

    New App design elements

    Closed Alpha

    Marketplace launch
  • 続きを読む
  • Q4 2022

  • WizarreWiki

    Open Beta

    Mobile game release

    Wizard NFT staking
  • 2023

  • Further Land NFT Sales

    PVP mini-events

    New Wizard elements and races

    PvE system

    NFT Cards exchange system

    Wizard NFT staking

    Games Guilds support

Wizarre チーム

検証済み 0%


Chris / Chrischo
Maciej / Maiwyn
Hubert / Mrawesome

Wizarre 最後のニュース

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