Wall Street Degen Club

Wall Street Degen Club

Created using Figma
What are we? Wall Street Degen Club serves as an online community, an online university, if you may, offering insightful courses and training about trading, finances, and how to make money.
To be announced


  • Phase 1

  • Step 1.1
    Open premium crypto signals channel on discord that allows our whitelisted members to earn money by getting trading ideas of the best crypto traders in the field

    Step 1.2
    Commence the whitelist mint of the genesis collection of 2997 degens Each holder will be granted access to the Degen Alpha Community. The mint will only be available only to those who have been whitelisted. Whitelist spots are given priority based on the contribution they provide to the Degen community. Each Genesis Degen holder will be granted access to the Degen Alpha Community.

    Step 1.3
    Launch of the Degen Alpha Community aka “The Trading Floor”. It will consist of several parts:

    Crypto Trading Floor
    NFT Trading Floor
    Options, Stock & Futures Trading Floor
    Investment Floor
    Finance University
  • Phase 2

  • Step 2.1
    Mint phase 2

    Step 2.2
    Launch of the Wall Street Degen utility token on the open market, once the token is deployed on the blockchain a % of the tokens will be airdropped to holders. The more degens you own, the more tokens you’ll receive. Which can be used to buy merch as well as unlock exclusive educational content.

    Step 2.3
    Initiate Staking, allowing holders to stake their Degen NFT and earn more $WSDC tokens that in turn can be used to buy merch and unlock exclusive educational content.

    Step 2.4
    Launch of the Wall Street Degen Club merch store.
  • Phase 3

  • Step 3.1
    Mint phase 3 - A whale enters the trading pit.

    Step 3.2
    Learn-to-earn. Expand your knowledge beyond the trading floors and become an alpha. Earn more $WSDC tokens by participating in online courses that teach trading, finance and investing. Wall Street Degen Tokens can be used to buy merch, unlock exclusive educational content or be traded on the open market. The more knowledge you gain, the more of an important Degen you become within the community. And who knows? You may be able to become a professor yourself one day.
  • Phase 4

  • Step 4.1
    Copy Trading. We know some Degens have busy lives and are unable to spend hours behind the screens. However, our team and network consist of many Degens that are willing to share their experience and allow you to copy trade their ideas. Copy Trading functions will be available to all Degens holders and management fees are paid in Wall Street Degen Tokens.

    Step 4.2
    Buy land on the sandbox for future metaverse integration.

    Step 4.3
    Fully integrate into the metaverse where Degen holders will own a trading floor and can share trade ideas, knowledge and form bonds.

    Step 4.4
    Roadmap 2.0 development and community vote

Wall Street Degen Club チーム

検証済み 0%



Wall Street Degen Club 最後のニュース

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