Wall Finance

Wall Finance

Created using Figma
Secured multi-coin wallet that supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB and fully shielded Zcash, as well as other coins, and it has a strong, user-centric architecture in which the users own their own keys and their own privacy.
To be announced

約 Wall Finance

WALL FINANCE which acts as secured multi-coin wallet that supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB and fully shielded Zcash, as well as other coins, and it has a strong, user-centric architecture in which the users own their own keys and their own privacy.

The Wallet, which is user friendly enables users to send and receive as well as view of various balances of any supported cryptocurrency available within the address. It also enables the
tracking and monitoring of assets in an ecofriendly environment of Wall Finance. The product is fully decentralized and empowered users with total control over their private/phrase keys. This message said only users can access funds, and without users’ directives all access authorization will be denied. The unique platform which is greatly and truly mobile-friendly, supporting major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, BNB, Ethereum, Ripple, and over a hundred thousand currencies available out there.


Safe Assets
Make capital immune to inflation, confiscation, or censorship. Do not let any entity freeze your assets or prevent you from transacting.
✓ Non-custodial - You are your own bank. Users have full control over their funds and on the associated private key.
✓ Multiwallet - Supports large number of crypto assets and blockchain where you can safely manage.
✓ Decentralized - Governed by the users themselves. Safely transact anonymously anytime and anywhere.

Bypass the traditional finance ecosystem layer and enter the world of Decentralized Finances (DeFi) with unconditional opportunities.
✓ Defi Enabled - Swap assets, stake assets and interact with any DeFi service via WalletConnect.
✓ Investor Oriented - Discover and navigate crypto markets with institutional-grade analytics.
✓ Action Alerts - Be among the first to react to price-impacting market events. Coming soon!

Use a tool that is built to work for you, has no means to track you and takes extra steps to ensure privacy from prying eyes.
✓ Genuinely Private - There are no servers keeping user accounts or any kind of identifiers.
✓ No Checks - The app doesn't involve any elements of traditional finance requiring identity checks.
✓ TOR Enabled - Keep the context of your connection private even from your internet provider.


  • Phase 1

  • -Team Building
    -System Analysis and Designs
    -Website Making
    -Smart Contract Deployment
    -Wall Wallet Creation and Developments
    -Whitepaper Release
    -Audit Smart Contract
    -Community Airdrop
    -Wall Wallet on Google Playstore
  • Phase 2

  • -Initial Marketing
    -Fairlaunch on PinkSale
    -Listing on Pancakeswap
    -Staking and Farming Launch
    -Listing on Coinmarketcap
    -Listing on Coingecko
    -Massive Marketing
    -Listing on CEX
  • Phase 3

  • -Wall Wallet IOS Release
    -Multichain Integrations
    -NFT Launch
    -New Projects Integration on Wall Wallet
  • Phase 4

  • -More CEX Listings
    -Launchpad Introduction
    -Launchpad UI/UX Designs
    -Launchpad Launch
    -New Utilities of Wall Token
    -Browser Extension
  • 続きを読む
  • Phase 5

  • -Expanding Community
    -More Adoptions
    -More Developents
    -Keep on Building

Wall Finance 最後のニュース

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