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Velhalla is the first play to earn metaverse on the fastest blockchain in the world. With true property rights given to players and users via NFTs, Velhalla is building a world that mixes true freedom and economic opportunity with dungeon raids by Vikings, Cyborgs, and Mutants.
  • 市場
  • PancakeSwap (v2)
    SCAR/WBNB ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.0107
    $ 67.49 K
  • BKEX
    SCAR/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.0257
    $ 65.66
To be announced

約 Velhalla

NFT-powered Play to Earn gaming is already bringing tons of new investment into web3 world. With the P2E metaverse changing the gaming industry forever, few can ignore this is one of the most exciting areas of growth in web3.

As the fastest blockchain in the world with ultra-low transaction fees, Velas is uniquely positioned to become the metaverse chain. It already has its first P2E gaming metaverse with the upcoming Velhalla IDO.

While Velhalla gears up to dominate the metaverse scene on Velas, Swapz is currently firing on all cylinders, courtesy of the recent launch of the Swapz cross-chain stablecoin swapping protocol.

Naturally, as a new project on an emergent blockchain ecosystem, Velhalla needs a way to bring in liquidity from other chains and secure the cross-chain implementation of its native token SCAR.

It’s with this goal in mind that Swapz and Velhalla are coming together as the partners that will flood the Velas ecosystem with the first tidal wave of liquidity channelled specifically to found a new era in P2E Metaverses.

While Velhalla gains a crucial partner in delivering the infrastructure it needs to succeed, Swapz leaves its imprimatur on yet another groundbreaking Velas project.

Play to earn gaming with cross-chain liquidity pouring in: this Swapz and Velhalla partnership must have been cooked up by the gods themselves!


  • Game Research

    NFT Research

    Concept Design
  • Set up Complete Development Environment

    Begin Character Design

    Begin Velhalla World Design

    IDO Launch

    SCAR Yield Farm on WagyuSwap

    Release Gameplay PDF
  • Unveil Velhalla Metaverse
    - New Exchange Listings
    - Velhalla Comicbook NFT Collectible Series Release
  • Mini Game Release! Earn exclusive rewards
    - Announce the four factions.
    - Head of Game Development (Ask Me Anything)
    Weekly development release update
    *Brief overview on land management gameplay.
    *Information on the structure of the land system.
    *Sneak Peek of Character illustrations & 3D models
  • 続きを読む
  • Limited pre-sale of Velhalla World Land: (6,000 loot boxes!)
    - Characters In-Game Footage
    Weeky development release update
    *Brief overview of the trading post.
    *Public announce on information regarding selling land (loot chests)
    *Unit briefings
    *Character illustrations & 3D models

Velhalla 最後のニュース

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