Created using Figma
  • 市場
  • SouthXchange
    VAULT/BTC 1年前
    $ 0.0186
    $ 5.93
  • CREX24
    VAULT/BTC ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.9010
    $ 0.0360
    VAULT/BTC ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 7.28


What is VAULT.Investments? 

VAULT Investments is the name of our platform. This is the name we gave to this project. The standard platform of VAULT Investments is similar to other hosting platforms that are out there already and it was created to allow the holders of our PAWS coin to be able to host for free. This means that even during tough bear markets and times of lower demand, that PAWS users will not have to sell their PAWS to pay for their hosting bills. They can simply keep them in the platform and hold out until the demand returns. This is a double win for PAWS holders, accumulate during the tough times and sell for a better price when the market demand returns.

VAULT is our masternode project and will have the ticker VAULT. The VAULT coin will be the currency of the Investment platform. This will be the coin used to pay for the listing fees of other coins we list and a means to offer reduced costs for hosting of these other coins. Masternode holders of VAULT will have many other benefits and rewards, which we will explain in more detail later.

CRYO is the new game changer program and it will host the next generation of masternodes.

What is CRYO ?

CRYO is for the next generation of quality masternode projects for investors looking for safer investments. CRYO is a feature on the VAULT Platform and not a project or new coin by itself!

A CRYO project is a new masternode project that possesses the required pedigree to enter into our program and gain the support and protection of the VAULT Investments team. A CRYO project is a new project that hasn’t distributed any coins. The presale masternodes will be sold and frozen on our platform for an agreed time. Only the mastenode rewards can be withdrawn or reinvested. These projects will have been put through their paces by the time they reach our platform and investors. We have high standards and not every new project can be a CRYO project. Our investors deserve the best, unique quality projects and these projects deserve the best investors.

A CRYO project will be ranked on 3 levels of trust. Investors will know the quality they are buying and the commitment of the projects. They will get to know the project owners before they buy and discuss and communicate with them in their own private channels. Only CRYO investors will have access to the presales.


Blockchain Technology

The blockchain that will be powering the VAULT coin, is based on the lastest PIVX codebase. Zerocoin will not be enabled, as we have been observing too many vulnerabilities in its implementation at present time and we also firmly believe in the transparency of the blockchain. Wallets will be compiled for all computer-based platforms and made available on github. At the launch of the blockchain, we will be making an explorer availabe as well for transparency. Since VAULT is launched as the first project on the CRYO Program, all presale nodes will be locked on the VAULT Platform during the first 3 months. This will keep those presale nodes from ending up on the exchanges during this frozen period.

The rewards scheme for VAULT will be instrumental in further keeping the inflation as low as possible at all times. We are aiming for a 200% ROI right from the start, which should fairly quickly stabilize around 100%. Those numbers are far more appealing to investors that are used to investments outside of cryptospace, and are much more sustainable in the long run.


検証済み 0%


Ian Cubitt
CEO & Founder
Jelle Borsje
COO & Founder
Jules Dubois
CTO & Founder

VAULT 最後のニュース

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