Created using Figma
The Revolution of the
Premium Wallets


$VANITY Token is the real revolution in the crypto addresses world.

Why have a classic Address, when you can have a customised one?

Here $VANITY comes in help. We are the FIRST EVER Token to provide a Custom Wallet Address Marketplace.

How Does $VANITY Address Works?

The generation of the wallet is very simple and SAFE.
In order to generate a $VANITY Address, you need to follow three simple steps:

1. Generate a normal address using our Tools, you will get:
- A Public Key (HEX).
- Your Normal Address.
- Your Private Key.

2. Send your Public Key (HEX) to the $VANITY Team.
- Yes, only the Public Key (HEX) is needed in order to create your wallet, this is why $VANITY is so safe.
- Request your customised Prefix for your Wallet.

3. Combine the Partial Private Key with your Private Key.
- The $VANITY Team is going to give you only a Partial Private Key.
This Key does not permit anyone to access your wallet, because it’s only partial and not correlated to
any wallet.
- Using the $VANITY Tool, combine the Partial Private Key with your original Private Key.
It’s done! Now you have your Custom Wallet Address provided by $VANITY!

Why would I want a Custom Wallet f rom $VANITY?
The Revolution of the
Premium Wallets

Why should I chose $VANITY?
$VANITY is based on open source files but heavily modified by the Developer in order to expand
the services to different blockchains such as Cardano (ADA), Dogecoin (DOGE), Litecoin (LTC) and many more.
As well as chain expansion, generating long addresses takes lot of Computing Power like mining.
$VANITY Provides their cloud servers as well as planning further expandsion with Dedicated Servers in order
to provide more Computing Power for a better cost efficiency.

What are the long term ideas for $VANITY?
$VANITY aims to be the global seller for Custom Wallet Addresses, providing f ree addresses to Charities,
Famous Influencers and organisations.
Some of the ideas for $VANITY includes plan to launch a $VANITY App Wallet where you can manage your
custom addresses in the different chains that $VANITY Supports.
$VANITY will build its own Dedicated Server equipped with 3090s and i9s to make sure all the Computing Power
for constant and multiple generation of wallets will be delivered, making sure the high standards for the project
are met, while keeping the service cost efficient against rental prices.
$VANITY will also launch its own Premium Merchandise made with High Quality Materials, such as Jewelry,
Real Premium Wallets, Gadgets, and with a possibility of having its own
Card in the future.

What are the marketing plans for $VANITY?
$VANITY will research and hire a Professional Marketing Company
aimed at cryptocurrencies and ICOs only.
We believe the impact that a Professional Marketing Company
can bring to the $VANITY Project is way higher compared with
what the team can achieve alone.

What makes $VANITY Unique?

A project like this has never been done. $VANITY is the unique
The Power of $VANITY to be the leader of Custom Addresses has already been proven.
$VANITY will automate the entire wallet address generation process once the marketplace will goes LIVE.

What is a Wrapped and Unwrapped $VANITY Address?
Once you purchase your personal $VANITY Address, you will get a “Wrapped” version of it. This means you own
the address in a digital manner i.e. you have never requested the generation of the private key.
This will allow you to be able to trade or sell the WRAPPED $VANITY Wallet on our Marketplace.
If you request the generation of the wallet’s private key using the online function, your wallet will be “unwrapped”
and this means you will not be able to trade or sell that particular walllet address because you will have generated
the Private Key and the address is open to be used.
All the $VANITY Addresses will have a representative Diamond as NFT where the serial number will be the address
correlated to the Diamond. So not only will you trade addresses but the Diamonds as well.
Keep in mind that all the trades are restricted when generating the wallet. It will apply to the
Diamonds (NFTs) aswell.


  • Q2 (May) $VANITY Launch.

  • DxSale Pre-sale.
    Ownership Renouncing.
    Pancakeswap Listing.
    Rare address giveaways.
    Audit application.
    CMC & CoingGecko Application.
  • Q2 (June) Rollout and Revamps

  • Graphics Revamp.
    Complete revamp of the website.
    Online Web3 form for Address Generation.
    Hiring Marketing Company.
    First Contact audit.
    Blockchains Expansion for Wallet Generation.
  • Q3 (July) Marketplace

  • Launching $VANITY Marketplace.
    Adding NFTs Correlated to Addresses.
    Second Contract Audit.
    $VANITY App Development.
    Roadmap expansion.

VANITY 最後のニュース

  • 情報の更新には時差がある可能性があるため、各ICOプロジェクトに関する正確な情報は、公式Webサイトまたはその他の通信チャネルを通じて検証する必要があります。
  • この情報は、ICO資金への投資に関する提案やアドバイスではありません。関連情報を自分で徹底的に調査し、ICOの参加を決定してください。
  • このコンテンツに関して修正すべき問題や問題があると思われる場合、またはご自身のICOプロジェクトをリストに載せたい場合は、電子メールでご連絡ください。
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