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In a rapidly growing cryptocurrency market, where millions of users are added every month, only a small fraction of merchants, less than 1%, accept payments in cryptocurrency. UltimaBanq addresses this issue by making cryptocurrency usage simple and indispensable for everyday transactions.
40% 完成した
資金調達 - データなし

約 UltimaBanq

UltimaBanq is an all-in-one, white-label core banking software designed for FinTech institutions. The software offers features such as IBAN accounts, SEPA and SWIFT transfers, card processing, and cryptocurrency support. It provides a solution for Electronic Money Institutions and Payment Service Providers and is ideal for high-risk merchants like eCasinos and unregulated financial institutions. The software is equipped with advanced security systems and complies with EU PSD2 regulation.

The multi-functional back office allows for easy management of client activities and transactions, with the option for API integration for added features. UltimaBanq also offers a Forex module, allowing for the provision of CFD trading services. The software is user-friendly and designed with a modern look, and can be easily modified to meet the needs of individual businesses.

Clients can self-onboard and open accounts online, and businesses can provide banking services to individuals and companies. The platform is ready-made, with no involvement of the IT department required for installation and configuration. Overall, UltimaBanq offers a powerful financial engine that saves time and money while providing a comprehensive solution for banking and financial operations.


  • January, 2017

  • Start of the company

UltimaBanq チーム

検証済み 0%


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