LinkedInはビジネスには適していません。ユーザーを認証しません。ほとんどの人は公の電子メールを使用します。 LinkedInのプロフィールを偽装するのは簡単です。あまりにも一般的で混雑しています。ほとんどの人は、個人的および専門的な関係に基づくコミュニケーションのためにLinkedInを使用します。製品/サービスコンポーネントはありません。
Q4 2017
Q2-3 2019
Q3-4 2020
検証済み 0%
TRADOVE is a business social network platform that connects corporate buyers and the sellers through Business to Business (B2B) network and interconnected products of various companies hence ensuring credibility outside and within the network.
TraDove is an established business with over 250,000 users from over 200 Fortune 1000 companies. Very few ICO projects have this kind of user base.
TraDove’s advisors include Mike Honda, former US congressman, and Richard Rosenberg, former Chairman and CEO of Bank of America. Both made a video for the project, which we believe puts an end to the FUD that alleges the project is a scam.
For some reason there are chatter that the project is a scam. The FUD, while not true, has dampened the sentiment for this project. In the Telegram channel, people are discussing refunds for their contribution, which almost never happens.
The target users of BBCoin are corporate buyers/seller, and they are mostly not cryptocurrency users. Therefore, the use of cryptocurrency would become a barrier of adoption for those target users which would hinder the adoption of the project.
As the project’s value depend heavily on the network effect from having a large amount of buyers and sellers, we are not sure if using a token is going to help the business.
Overall, we are neutral about both the short- and long-term potential for this ICO. Our thoughts of the tokens for short term and long term are as follows:
For short-term holding:
Neutral. Presale has been ongoing since November 2017, during a very strong market for altcoins, but has only raised a small portion so far. With the recent volatility we are experiencing, we believe it would be difficult for the project to successfully raise $52 million and have unmet demand after the ICO.
For long-term holding:
Neutral. We believe that the introduction of BBCoin into the business model would hinder the growth of the project. Therefore, we are uncertain how likely the project will succeed.
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