The Three Kingdoms

The Three Kingdoms

Created using Figma
A 3rd Generation NFT Game that adopts the three Kingdoms storyline when the land split into Wei, Shu and Wu regions historically.
  • 市場
    TTK/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.0105
    $ 11.492 K
  • PancakeSwap (v2)
    TTK/BUSD ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.0106
    $ 2.461 K
100% 完成した
資金調達 - データなし
25% Ecosystem Rewards — 4% Unlocked @ TGE followed by 24 months Vesting, Linear Daily Unlock
10% Marketing — 3 Months Locked followed by 12 months Vesting, Linear Daily Unlock
16% Treasury — 3 Months Locked followed by 12 months Vesting, Linear Daily Unlock
12% Team — 24 Months Locked followed by 12 months Vesting, Linear Daily Unlock
3% Advisors — 12 Months Locked followed by 12 months Vesting, Linear Daily Unlock
13% Liquidity — 25% Unlocked @ TGE, 3 months Locked followed by 12 months Vesting, Linear Daily Unlock
20.2% Private Sale — 7% Unlocked @ TGE, 6 months Locked followed by 12 months Vesting, Linear Daily Unlock
1.25% Public Sale — 25% Unlocked @ TGE, 6 months Locked followed by 12 months Vesting, Linear Daily Unlock
MVP /プロトタイプ
プラットフォーム, ゲーム

約 The Three Kingdoms

The story of TTK is based in the final years of the Eastern Han dynasty 220AD when the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out with cities and regions forming their own alliance for survival. Warlord Dong Zhuo seized control of the capital under the pretext of protecting the young emperor. Cao Cao, who had gradually taken control of territories in the North, saved the emperor and led the central government, but formed clans are already eager for the chance to rule over China.

The country broke into civil war and soon, China was divided into three spheres of influences: Cao Cao dominating the North, Sun Quan the South and Liu Bei the west. The three have fought for sixty years to conquer China and this is where the story begins.

Through TTK, we want to provide a game platform with multiple ways to earn for players while having an enjoyable gaming experience, in-the-end achieving our goal of long-term player engagement.


  • The Three Kingdoms land is modelled after the historical map of China split into Wei, Shu, and Wu regions.
  • The land will be split into unique squares, and the land that's closer to the center gives more perks.
  • These lands are where you can host, stake, and monetize events. Own your own base of operations where you could fight and expand your territory and earn in-game NFT and currency.
  • Stay informed and keep an eye on the ingame world news so you can make strategic decisions.
  • Collect your Digitally Mastered Characters based on The Origin of The Three Kingdoms.
  • Send out your extensive digitally mastered Heroes and persuade additional men to join your army.
  • These lands are where you can host, stake, and monetize events. Own your own base of operations where you could fight and expand your territory and earn in-game NFT and currency.
  • Stay informed and keep an eye on the ingame world news so you can make strategic decisions.
  • There are many cities available for you to siege and occupy. You will strategically have full control over which cities to attack.
  • Be prepared other Warlords will also be able to attack your city.

The Three Kingdoms 最後のニュース

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