Takamaka Green Coin

Takamaka Green Coin

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Takamaka is a blockchain platform created to make easy the adoption and the development of blockchain based applications by everyone.
To be announced

約 Takamaka Green Coin

Takamaka is a project developed by AiliA SA, a company based in Switzerland, active in the field of "IT services" and innovation in the sectors of blockchain and AI technological transformation. Mario Carlini, current CEO, acquired AiliA SA in early 2018 and, following a first and in-depth study on the functionality of public Blockchains, he establish Takamaka. The team consists of the best professionals in IT and mathematics and cryptography, both Italian and Swiss.

TakaMaka solves the problems of Governance of both the public and distributed Blockchain, and the execution of Smart Contracts, with particular attention to enterprise environments.

TakaMaka introduces an innovative Proof Of Stake solution, which allows a high degree of transaction reliability under normal working conditions (1,000,000 Tx/h). In this context, the verification process and the Blockchain algorithm permit the realisation of a self-financing network and the creation of a digital currency for the organization of the Blockchain reward system, which evolves and not influenced by foreign actors.

We have the ability to accurately estimate the number of operations and the amount of resources needed for the execution of Smart Contracts, provide accurate and non-variable estimates for constant gas operations and parameterize for those where the size of the data varies. The idea behind this structure is to enable budget planners and writers of intelligent contracts to know and plan the costs with a high degree of accuracy.

TakaMaka is a free, open source third generation Blockchain, with a high degree of security and reliability, high performance, with Smart Contract execution and entirely developed in JAVA.

"Takamaka is a valley on the French island of Réunion where a network of waterfalls flows into a river. This is similar to Takamaka´s smart contracts, i.e. separate objects collaborating on a global storage shared in the blockchain.”


Takamaka Blockchain was developed in order to offer high levels of interoperability, business processes, development of cryptographic assets and ease of use in the programmability of its Smart contracts thanks to Java. It is a fully programmable Java Open project, which has the potential to change the approach of those businesses that are preparing to enter the Blockchain world, thanks to an easy-to-use programming language and a double coin that will guarantees certainty of costs during use. Takamaka responds to these needs, improving and simplifying access to the Blockchain and its incredible potential.


Green Token “TKG”

The green token is not directly exchangeable with the red token and is generated directly by the generation of the blocks on the TakaMaka chain. The payment of the block generation is always paid with the green token. Furthermore this can also be used to pay transactions and create and manage Smart Contracts. But what would happen if the token in question fluctuated its value as a result of speculative actions or due to an increase in staking factors, such as an increase in the
number of stakeholders?
It is clear that the cost for the base and blob transactions, or the management (creation and launch) of Smart Contracts, would have costs that increase even temporarily. To summarize, the network would behave as the most emblazoned Ethereum for example, without the guarantee of certain costs. While on the Holder side the possibility of an appreciation in the portfolio of the Green tokens, would allow a significant economic advantage, precisely by exchanging these on
some Exchange.

The TKG (Green Coin) is never exchangeable with the TKR (Red Coin) but it could be initially purchased from the Takamaka website and subsequently from Exchanges. 
Furthermore it is the coin generated from the block generation and used to reward the StakeHolders.


High performance

Takamaka is a protocol similar to Ethereum, but faster and safer, designed to be used in Java, with a usable code of use, which makes the approach friendly to those who start ideas and projects with blockchain.  The TPoS (Takamaka Proof of Stake) consensus protocol provides access to the network to investors, node supporters and stakeholders, and a constant reward, which indirectly give users a fast and secure network, easy to program, that can permanently transact up to 1,200,000 Tx/h. In this sense, the Takamaka blockchain is calibrated on a defined volume of estimated transactions that meets the needs of companies, where high performance and certain costs for the execution of intelligent contracts are required. To all intents and purposes, Takamaka is a native TPoS "Takamaka Proof of Stake".  

High level of security

TakaMaka is a free, public, open source and new generation blockchain, with a high degree of security and reliability, high performance, running Smart Contract and entirely developed in JAVA.

Low and fixed costs

TakaMaka manages two simultaneous coins, one called Green Coin (TKG), the other called Red Coin (TKR). The first coin is standard, necessary for the operation of the PoS and to ensure the longevity of the blockchain; the second one is stable anchored to the dollar, for value transfers and payment of transaction costs.

Easy Development

Takamaka has chosen Java language to program the entire infrastructure of the blockchain: from the node to smart contracts the only thing you need to know is Java.

 For more than 20 years Java has always been one of the favorite programming languages and despite its age, it remains by far the most popular language. For this reason we have decided to use it as the base and single language of the entire blockchain infrastructure. Until now:

  • 97% of corporate desktop computers use Java.
  • 89% of desktop computers in the United States use Java.
  • 9 million Java developers worldwide.
  • Developers' preferred option.
  • 3 billion mobile phones use Java.
  • 5 billion Java cards in use.
  • 125 million TV devices use Java.
  • 5 of the top 5 original equipment manufacturers provide Java ME.

Proof Of Stake

To achieve network consensus and the creation of new blocks, Takamaka uses a Proof of Stake algorithm, called TPOS. Takamaka TPOS is built on a 30-second time division, SLOT, and in each SLOT a block is forged.To achieve network consensus and the creation of new blocks, Takamaka uses a Proof of Stake algorithm, called TPOS. Takamaka TPOS is built on a 30-second time division, SLOT, and in each SLOT a block is forged. Every block can be filled up to a maximum of 10,000 transactions. After 8 days and 8 hours, a complete cycle called EPOCH ends, containing a total of 24,000 blocks.



  • 2021 VQF Certification

  • 17 June 2021
    Takamaka has obtained VQF Certification
  • 2021 Release of the Market Place

  • Summer 2021
    The market place is released allowing the buy/sale of Takamaka coins through the designated wallets.
  • 2020 Release of TakaMaka

  • Summer 2020
    TakaMaka, Java framework for the development of smart contracts, is released.
  • 2019 Release of the Blockchain Production Network

  • 25 October 2019
    The Blockchain production Network is released.
  • 続きを読む
  • 2019 Contract with the University of Trento

  • 19 June 2019
    A research contract is defined between the Department of Mathematics of the University of Trento, and AiliA SA. The purpose of this agreement is verify and implement cryptography algorithms and protocols.
  • 2019 Release of the Blockchain Test Network

  • 1 March 2019
    The blockchain test network will be released, where the first tests will be carried out.
  • 2019 AiliA becomes SA

  • 1 January 2019
    AiliA becomes SA and moves its headquarters to Zug, in the heart of the Crypto Valley.
  • 2018 Contract with the University of Verona

  • 24 August 2018
    A research contract is defined between the Department of Computer Science of the University of Verona, and AiliA sagl. The purpose of this agreement is the development of the Java library "TakaMaka" for the creation of smart contracts that can be checked statically.
  • 2018 Acquisition of AiliA sagl

  • 17 April 2018
    AiliA Sagl is purchased by Mario Carlini who decides to undertake the development of a cryptocurrency that was really usable and had tangible applications.

Takamaka Green Coin 最後のニュース

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