Structure Finance

Structure Finance

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Structured financial products offer user more varieties for different risk appetite without requiring much expertise in financial product design. Structured financial products are invented in order to offer a simplified user experience for the retail investors. By packaging interest rate products together with derivatives, there is more variety of products that retail users could choose from based on their preference.
  • 市場
  • HTX
    STF/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%か月前
    $ 0.0056
    $ 15.36 M
  • AscendEX (BitMax)
    STF/USDT 1年前
    $ 0.0056
    $ 14.766 K
To be announced
プラットフォーム, ファイナンス

約 Structure Finance

In the traditional financial industry, structured financial products are invented in order to offer a simplified user experience for retail investors. By packaging interest rate products together with derivatives, users are given an even greater variety of products to choose from based on their preference. After reviewing all options based on risk appetite and expectation for return, users can choose their preferred products and purchase them easily without concerning themselves with the backend. is a platform that supports the orchestration of different structured financial products. Currently, creating products like these pose a high barrier of entry due to the technical skills and coding required to implement them. We believe there is massive potential for integration of these structured products across protocols. Our platform will serve as both a standalone solution but also one that can be added into other DeFi protocols seamlessly, bringing structured financial products to the entire market.

In, the double no touch options support major cryptocurrencies. Users can purchase the DNT token, representing a wager against volatility. If either barrier price is touched, the token price will goes to zero. If neither barrier price is touched by the expiry date, users then profit from the DNT. The validity of the DNT is only for a limited period of time and that when that time period ends, the DNT token price will be reset and a new cycle begins. creates easy to use tools for creating structured financial products based on cryptocurrencies. Two options products are developed at this stage, providing users with new options for trading and hedging against volatility risk.


  • Feb 2022

  • will release live versions of Project Token Products:
    Yield Product - collect yield on a project token by giving up some daily upside.
    Volatility Income Pools - collect yield on a project token by linking it to USD/BTC volatility.
  • Mar 2022

  • Protective Product - protect your investment in a project token while giving up some daily upside.
  • Apr 2022

  • will deploy Project Token Products for friendly projects
    STF - to give yield to STF holders.
    Several other projects that we are already working with.
  • Jun 2022

  • will offer Project Token Products globally
    Be ready to deploy for any ERC-20 token.
    Engage in extensive outreach and marketing.

Structure Finance 最後のニュース

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