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SRMINER is the Mining platform and own currency. When we talk about SRMiner, talk about a project that includes a multi-algorithm mining platform and the currency of this pool. The coin has the name SRM, it is developed to be mined and to obtain rewards through stake and thus be able to maintain our own network. On the other hand, one of the interests of the currency is to reduce the waiting time in transactions, thus verifying SRM how it completes a transaction in just 3 confirmations, which makes it a currency for fast exchanges with practically no waiting times.
«SRMiner» ICO
100% 完成した
資金調達 - データなし
«SRMiner» Private Sale
100% 完成した
資金調達 - データなし

約 SRMiner

SRM Coin details:
Algorithm: Scrypt Proof of Work and Proof of Stake
Coin name: SRMiner ($SRM)
Block reward: 500 SRM
Block reward (PoS): 50 SRMb
Premine: 80000000 SRM
About SRM Features
SRMiner is designed with simplicity and functionality in mind. Reduce waiting time between transactions, encourage mining and reduce costs for users.

Easy to mineVisit pool

If there's one thing cryptocurrency users love, it's the opportunity to mine crypto with ease.
With SRM you just have to open your wallet, wait for it to synchronize with the network and you will automatically start extracting SRM.
Earning passive incomeStake

Staking refers to holding of crypto coins for the purpose of validating the blockchain transactions and supporting a particular network. Crypto stakers are rewarded for their participation and can generate passive income.
Zero fees & Fast send'sReduce time
SRM is an experimental digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. SRMiner uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried out collectively by the network.

About SRMiner Pool

The main advantage of a mining pool is the fact of facilitating the mining work for those who participate in said pool. This allows participants to make a profit that, individually, would cost them much more time to achieve.
Another of its advantages is that the system maintains the scalability of mining. Thanks to the concentration of mining power, it is guaranteed that the network can find the necessary resolution of each block in the agreed time.
In this way, the generation of empty blocks on the blockchain is minimized. In addition, all the miners who participate in the pool receive profits according to the mining power they have. None of them is left without receiving their profit however small it may be.
The project at the moment only has one developer, myself.
Some programming tasks, configuration and various ideas take me some time to carry out, although I dedicate almost all my time to this, it is difficult for me alone. With these words I would like to announce that anyone who is interested in participating in the project would be a pleasure for me to open my arms to the small community that I am dedicating so much effort, work and time. Thank you all


  • 2020 Q4 Concept

  • Concept Generation
    Structure idea
    Start deploy platforms
  • 2021 Q1 Research

  • Launch Website v1
    Strategic Plan
    Working on White paper
  • 2021 Q1 Design

  • Platform pool design
    Building SRM
    Create social media profiles
  • 2021 Q2 Coin

  • Deploy SRM coin
    Publicly accessible block explorer
    Start to sync some coins for mining pool
  • 続きを読む
  • 2021 Q2 Airdrop

  • Present airdrop details
    Launch new website v2
    Launch @SRMinerGuardian_bot on telegram
  • 2021 Q3 Whitepaper & Coin sale

  • Publish Whitepaper
    Private sale
    Public sale details and date
    Send listing to some platform's
  • 2021 Q3 Marketing & Wallet's

  • Invest for launch aggressive marketing
    Deliver Linux & Windows Srminer-QT wallet
    Development of other features
  • 2021 Q4 Open MiningPool & Listing

  • Send to listing on exchanges
    Crex24 Poloniex Graviex YoBit
    Open SRMiner pool and allow mining SRM for all public
  • 2022 Q1 Community Expansion

  • Researchs
    Marketing campaigns
    Listing on more exchanges
    Start to design and programming SRMiner mobile apps
  • 2022 Q2 Hardware things

  • Integration of third party controllers
    Marketplace cooperative module

SRMiner チーム

検証済み 0%


Steven D.
CEO & Cofounder

SRMiner 最後のニュース

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