SoulSwap Finance

SoulSwap Finance

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Soul is an algorithmic, cross-chain AMM and P2P lending protocol on Fantom built for traders, investors, developers, and visionaries seeking to unlock a universe of open financial applications.
  • 市場
  • MEXC
    SOUL/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.0702
    $ 2.689 K
To be announced

約 SoulSwap Finance

Soul is the first protocol to offer a comprehensive, cross-chain liquidity solution that enables us to spread liquidity incentives across infinitely-many blockchains WITHOUT affecting emissions.

We redefined governance and are paving the way for P2P Marketplaces, namely: cross-chain atomic swaps, zero-collateral loans, and NFT auctions.

The Dream? Decentralized powerhouse with interoperability ingrained from the very start. We have taken bits and pieces of what has worked for other projects that will never be able to do what we can do, thanks to the gift of hindsight. We plan to channel only the best of the best into our ecosystem. Now, allow us to convince you how we achieve this and why we are different from those that come before us. Why Fantom? It's a no brainer! In very simple terms, why would we want to drive a slower car that costs more to run? While Fantom might not have the level of adoption Ethereum does at current, we believe in Fantom's ability and drive to get it mighty close in the foreseeable future. Sure, launching on Ethereum would be the easiest thing to do and probably receive faster initial uptake, but we like a challenge and are betting on Fantom's future. Faster, cheaper, more resilient? Sold. What makes us different? We’re here to build upon the work of the likes of Uniswap, SushiSwap, and PancakeSwap. We respect these protocol so much, in fact, we replicated their work from the ground up. We improved upon Uniswap's governance model, adopted incentives from Sushi and Pancake, while eliminating the oligarchy inherent in the UNI's governance model, and the static, one-dimensional rewards mechanism inherent in Sushi and Pancake. We eliminate the smart contract bug tied to emergency withdrawal and thereby liberate the ingenius Syrup model PancakeSwap invented, though no longer able to utilize, whilst adding a dynamic rewards structure enabling rewards distribution to exist on multiple blockchains without increasing inflation. What does that mean exactly? We’re pushing the boundaries of decentralized finance with a focus on gamification and future-proofing our tech with elements right out the minds of blockchain developers, marketing experts, economists, front-end web3 developers, and some friends with deep pockets who know what we are capable of achieving and are eager to show their support.

SoulSwap Finance 最後のニュース

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