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Main Sale
100% 完成した
$2 175 000
18% ゴール 完成した
ゴール 11 812 500.00 USD
キャップ 15 750 000.00 USD
  • 1 CGE
    0.35 USD
はい ,
プラットフォーム, 暗号化性

約 Сoncierge

Concierge.io (CGE) is a travel booking platform based on the NEO blockchain. The platform itself operates both a centralised front-end allowing suppliers to easily edit their listings, whilst operating a decentralised backend incorporating the NEO blockchain governing the CGE engine. Thus, building a trusted, transparent and secure travel booking platform reducing costs associated with the travel industry.

CGE aims to disrupt the travel industry and provides multiple benefits over potential competitors within the market. A free business model, 0% booking and commission fees for the suppliers with no hidden fees. The incorporation of a peer-to-peer chat function between supplier and consumer along with ability to pay with CGE, other crypto and Fiat-currency payment options. Furthermore, potential competition within the blockchain travel space typically utilising the Ethereum blockchain which operates the proof-of-work protocol. Currently, this does not provide scalability for a travel booking platform [with only 15 Transactions per second]. High transaction costs powered by a mining network contributing to the unsustainable developments of this particular blockchain on both an economic and environmental level. Thus, does not offer many benefits for a real-life use case.

Concierge.io was designed to be a real-world use platform and by utilising the NEO blockchain it allows us to position ourselves above potential competition operating within the crypto space. NEO operating at 1,000 transactions per second with the aim to be running at 100,000 TPS by 2020 [as mentioned in NEO Devcon]. With the current speed of a transaction taking approximately 30 seconds to complete, which is something, a travel booking platform needs to consider competing against market leaders such as booking.com, KAYAK, Expedia.com, Viator or agoda.com. Costs per transaction cost just a drop of gas [less Thant $0.001]. NEO offers an eco-friendly approach by utilising the proof-of-stake protocol. Furthermore, eliminating any associated economical and environment issues associated with other blockchains. NEO consensus offers government compliance which Concierge.io will incorporate once we begin advancements in new and emerging markets and regions across the globe.

CGE token system encourages and supports multiple scenarios such as smart contracts, exchange of data, booking agreement and dispute mechanism. In addition, the CGE infrastructure supports the development and mapping of the dApp and HTML web platform enabling concierge.io to reach the mass consumer within the travel industry.



  • 仕入先と消費者間で提供されるピアツーピア通信
  • ブロックチェーンテクノロジによる透明なプラットフォームとネットワーク
  • 安全な運用システム
  • ベンダーの0%の予約手数料


  • 2017

  • Founders of concierge meet to confirm ideas around decentralized travel platform.
    Founders meet with developers and initiate the start of the decentralized application and web platform build.
    Token is tested and ready for release.
    White paper has been completed, published and sent out to specific investors, ready for marketing.
    Whitepaper available in both English and Chinese.
    Sale website optimised
    Web platform and application designed around user accessibility.
    Concierge.io whitepaper release
  • 13.02.2018

  • Whitelist Sale Sold Out in 3 hours
  • Quarter 1, 2018

  • Pre sale initiating continuing to the main-sale over a 2-month period
    Defining and initial development the back-end structure of the Concierge.io platform
    UI design and initial development of front-end of application and website platform.
    Hire vital employees:
    – Blockchain developers
    – Front-end developers
    – Back-end developers
    – Sales and marketing employees
    – iOS and android developers & web developers
  • Quarter 2, 2018

  • Listing CGE token on exchanges (Approximately 1-month after Main-sale concludes)
    Integration of platform in line with blockchain including fiat and cryptocurrency payment methods.
    Peer-to-Peer chat option and amalgamation of AI-based dispute system development
    Beta testing
    Release of Concierge.io beta application and web platform
    Release Hotel bookings on the platform
    Launch industry promotional activities developing partnership with key hotel and resort chains
    Further development of platform and releasing V.1 of Concierge.io
  • 続きを読む
  • Quarter 4, 2018

  • Research of expansion of Concierge.io into different regions after initially starting in south east Asia and Australia (Regions will be chosen based on estimated speed of adoption)
    Partnerships with blockchain identity security platforms ensuring privacy with direct chats and within the payment system
    Release Tour bookings on the platform
    Press release around the tour options and reach out to key tour providers
    Release V.2 of the Concierge.io platform updated now offering tour bookings
  • 2019

  • Partnerships with universities and other educational institutions upholding youth development in forms of internships with yearly positions available within Concierge.io
    Release property exchanges onto the platform
    Press release around the property exchanges
    Release V.3 of the Concierge.io platform updated now offering property exchanges
    Advancement into other regions such as Europe, North and South America
  • 2020

  • Research into other areas within travel which Concierge.io could bring benefit to
    Analysis and research areas of travel available on the Concierge.io platform. (Such as; Taxi bookings, Rent-a-car, Boating charters)
    Develop augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) into the system for browsing purposes of consumers
    Launch in multiple areas within travel (Such as; Taxi bookings, Rent-a-car, Boating charters) – Market analysis will justify which area to enter in what region first.

Сoncierge チーム

検証済み 0%


Adam Chaplin
CEO & Founder
Steve Hipwell
CMO & Founder
Paul Spallini
CTO & Co-Founder
Matthew Lopez
CIO, CFO & Co-Founder
Cong Nguyen
Van Technical Project Leader


検証済み 0%


Sarah Kozlowski
Blockchain Business Development Advisor

20 ICOs

$30 329 248

Joakim Holmer
Senior Technical Advisor and Angel Investor
Nguyen Hong Dai
Vice-President of the Tourism Association of Vietn...
Debbie Ward
Angel Investor and United Kingdom Business Advisor
5.0 4
ICO プロフィール ビジョン アクティビティ 潜在的な 製品 チーム


Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

CONCIERGE is a global online travelling booking marketplace built on NERO decentralized engine and block chain.


  • Peer to peer communication: This enables easy communication between the consumers and the vendors allowing the consumers to ask questions and understand any investing deals that are currently  on offer from the vendor
  • Less costy: The platform offers direct connection between the vendors and the consumers enabling them to  discuss their deals with no fee or commission associated
  • Speedy bookings: The users are able to carry out booking faster over the platform incorporating instant transaction  between the users across the NERO block chain
  • Safety : The platform offers disputes resolution option incase disputes arises as evidence is presented  and both the parties must respond in due time to enable them come to an agreement over the issue
  • Transparency: The use of block chain doesn’t allow  the platform reviews to be manipulated or edited hence creating a honest feedback from the customers
  • Reduced operational costs : The use of the CGE token reduces the transactions cost hence giving considerable savings to the users under the platform
  • The users who regularly utilize the CGE on the platform are legible for an upgrade of their accounts in which more discounts will be visible
  • The use of APIs enables speedy transmission  of the listings other platforms hence maximum efficiency   as the other traditional methods like Visa and Master cards are optional for other crypto currencies


  • The project token is not exchangeable with other fiat currency hence limiting the widespread application of the project
  • The project lacks an advance mobile application where all the users can easily log in and interact the vendors


  • The platform CGE token should be compatible with fiat and other crypto currencies
  • The involved team should create a mobile applications that can be easily used by the customers across the globe


The adoption of NERO block chain technology leads to the efficiency of the online booking hence promoting easy travels through the transparency, security and overall efficiency. These parameters make the project viable and are likely to generate higher returns. I would highly invest in the project.

専門家投資: $800
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