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A unique ecosystem of rugproof platforms powered by the SME token.
To be announced

約 SafeMeme


SafeMeme was created to solve the significant issue that the BSC investing market is facing right now. There are way too many "rug pull" scams that are taking advantage of new investors. SafeMeme's platform is here to solve this problem. We're creating an eco-system where new projects will have to be audited before they will be listed; by doing that, new investors can come onto our platform to see which new tasks have passed our safety protocol. Following our safety protocol significantly lowers the risk of investing in a scam project.  

Why SafeMeme

SafeMeme is the first project with the sole goal of helping investors find legit projects to support. We are creating a safe, all-in-one eco-system that is backed by the $SME utility token. The developer team and staff are doxxed and active with the community 24/7. We're big believers in passive income, and we are building all of our platforms to generate multiple sources of passive income for $SME holders. In the end, we want to create a safe space for everyone within the cryptocurrency space!

Community Token

SafeMeme is all about the community, and all decisions are passed through our community via polls and live Q&A sessions. We look at everyone's suggestions and concerns seriously, and with SafeMeme, your opinion matters. We hold frequent live Q&A sessions and send out live updates as they become available.

Passive Income

We believe that as supporters, holders, and users of our platforms, you should be rewarded in the form of passive income. There are multiple ways that we reward our holders and users, transaction fees, pools, staking, yearly dividends, giveaways, and income sharing from the use of our platform

$SME Holders - Earn from the transaction fees just by holding, 2% burn, 2% redistribution, and 2% LP, raising the value and amount of your tokens with each transaction made.

Launchpad Platform

SafeMeme's Launchpad will contain features that many other launchpads are lacking. All contracts will be audited and scored before pre-sale, allowing our investors to safely decide if it's the correct start-up token to invest in at such an early stage. On the developer end of our Launchpad, we will have essential features that are surprisingly missing from all other platforms. Such as whitelisting features, cap per investor, soft cap & hard cap with an auto refund, quickly refund investors if pre-sale didn't go as planned, and much more! The launchpad platform will also reward participants in IDO's that hold $SME in multiple ways.

SafeMeme チーム

検証済み 0%


CEO & Founder

SafeMeme 最後のニュース

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