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RoboFi is a Defi platform that offers a marketplace for revolutionary Dao crypto trading bots with IBO (Initial Bots Offering) to maximize earning opportunities in an easy, simple, and secure way.
Pre Sale
6月, 2021
6月, 2021
100% 完成した
資金調達 - データなし
To be announced
Fair Launch - 46%
Team - 10%
Company - 10%
Private Sales - 27%
Partners- 7%
British Virgin Islands
MVP /プロトタイプ

約 RoboFi

RoboFi is a Defi platform that envisions a marketplace for revolutionary Dao crypto trading bots. Through its IBO (Initial Bot Offering) system, community members can maximize their earnings in an easy, simple, and secure way. We create a safe and transparent environment based on blockchain technologies that help developers bring crypto trading bot platforms to the market. In addition, individuals will have easy access to these bot applications, thereby generating more earning opportunities. RoboFi ecosystem is fueled by the $VICS tokenThe Existing Problem
Crypto users continue to search for various ways to earn thru crypto trading. Some use trading bots or entrust their funds to certain people or companies. However, after trying for a while, they faced problems such as inefficiencies and risks, price manipulation, lack of transparency, insider trading, fake information, and other unknown risks. The solution is a decentralized, transparent, and fair platform that is based on blockchain technology.

Some of the key challenges individuals face are:

Verifiable Performance
Users often have difficulties assessing the historical performance of bots as they cannot verify the performance of the bots. This may result in inaccurate data that does not correlate with their advertised performances.
Fund Safety
The safety of funds is paramount. Hacking and theft have happened many times to Centralized Exchanges. And while Decentralized Exchanges can solve this problem, they often do not have sufficient volume.

Some of the key challenges bot creators face are:

Intellectual Property Protection
Bot creators hesitate to share their IP to investors and platforms. This is understandable as they are not keen on losing or surrendering their IP after all the effort they put in to develop their bots. This has caused many bot creators to hide their bots and not share them with investors. At the same time, bot creators are often not adequately incentivized for the IP that they created.

Even if bot creators develop fantastic bots which deliver great performance, marketing remains a big issue. Either bot creators don’t know where to find users, or they fail to convince individuals to use their service. Bot creators are faced with difficulties in presenting themselves to users. Thereby resulting in keeping the bots to themselves.

The Solution
RoboFi is a Defi platform that offers a marketplace for revolutionary crypto trading bots with IBO (Initial Bot Offering) to maximize earning opportunities in an easy, simple, and secure way. RoboFi aims to be the first Defi platform that is powered by DAO bots that supports individuals’ earnings in the crypto market.
The DAO Bots powered by RoboFi adhere to the DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) principle. This means all activities are transparent and verifiable in the blockchains. Because all activities are transparent and autonomous, both bot creators and users will benefit from this.
Bot users can securely store their digital assets, view their share of tokens, and verify the bots’ performance. They can also earn through staking, lending, liquidity mining and etc.
Other advantages include:
1) Saves time — By using DAO Bots, users optimize their time and can use it for other activities.
2) Automatic — Users need not monitor their screens to place purchase or sale orders.
3) Easy to use — Using the DAO Bots is very simple. Users simply register and can get started quickly.
4) Performance — DAO Crypto Bots are much more efficient than manual traders.
5) Diversification — Using DAO Bot is a great way to diversify your investments.
Bot Creators
RoboFi can become the main platform for trading bot developers. With RoboFi, developers can sell their bots on the RoboFi Bots Marketplace, protecting their IP, raising funds through IBO (Initial Bot Offering).


Maximize earnings by automating crypto trading bots using tried-and-tested algorithms.

- Connecting Bot Creators and Users in the World's First Dao Crypto Trading Bots Marketplace.

- Fully automated 24/7 CEX & DEX trading using decentralized trading bots (farming bots, signal bots, trading bots).

- Innovative DEFI platform that offers IBO (Initial Bots Offering).

- No-risk Staking opportunities.

- Become an owner of DAO Crypto Trading Bots.

RoboFi チーム

検証済み 0%


Donna Lee
Head of Global Marketing

RoboFi 最後のニュース

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