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Rejuve is a progressively decentralizing AI-powered longevity research network. made up of individuals, clinics, researchers health supply vendors, and more, united around the cause of extended healthy human longevity. A spin off of SingularityNET, Rejuve unites the power of AI, blockchain, and human innovation, crowdsourcing the community of science to with the aim of making advanced longevity solutions accessible and affordable to all.
To be announced

約 Rejuve.AI

Rejuve. AI is the world's first decentralized AI longevity research network, bringing together blockchain, artificial intelligence, and longevity-focused research to dramatically increase human healthspan. Rejuve's mission is to find advanced longevity therapies and solutions and make them available and affordable to all who want them, while fairly compensating the data contributors who made these discoveries possible.

Currently, longevity is a super niche market, with its early products primarily serving the ultra-rich. The data that leads to these game-changing technologies is frequently siphoned from big tech via our everyday devices, with the general population that contributed this data reaping little to no immediate benefits.Rejuve’s unique tokenomic model will solve this problem, accurately assigning credit for contributions of data to longevity research.

Rejuve is a spin-off of SingularityNET, a decentralized marketplace for AI and ecosystem for creating beneficial artificial general intelligence (AGI). SingularityNET incubated Rejuve in 2018, and it now serves as a conduit for Bio-AI research. Longevity is a natural match for futurism/AI, with many tech enthusiasts desiring a longer life to witness the accomplishments they are striving for.

Rejuve is creating a live, interactive research database by leveraging the data of network members and partners, rewarding all constituents proportionally through the Rejuve (RJV) utility token. Our primary data collection tool and point of contact is our mobile app Longevity. This iOS and Android app allows users to input personal health data from various sources such as surveys, lab tests, and wearables in exchange for RJV tokens. This living personal health inventory will function as an electronic personal health record (ePHR), allowing Rejuve.AI and partner labs to conduct studies based on various metrics and interventions with ease.

RJV tokens can be used in the app to buy supplements, medical tests, personalized plans for living longer, and more at deeply discounted prices. RJV tokens can be earned by sharing data within the app or proceeds from the product NFT. RJV tokens can also be used to vote on how their data is used in the network and what decisions should be made about it.

Along with the RJV utility token, which will be the main form of rewards, our model also uses non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in a unique way that lets data contributors get paid fairly and in proportion to how much they contributed to a project. Two NFTs are used to make this 9 happen. The first is the Data NFT (dNFT), which is also a Rejuve ID. Each user/entity is given a unique Data NFT that is used to identify their profile.

The second NFT is the Product NFT (pNFT), which is minted every time a new product idea is proposed. It is then split into pieces or "shards" based on how much data each user contributed to that project, with only 50% of each user's shards being able to be sold. This is tied to the data NFT to make sure that each user keeps at least half of the proceeds from their data contributions.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an important part of the Rejuve Network. It crunches data to find solutions that were not possible before. In line with precision medicine, Rejuve's built-in AI framework tries to make dynamic, multi-resolution models of the human body to learn how different substances and actions affect the whole body as a whole, taking into account key factors like DNA markers.

We will utilize neural nets, Bayesian nets, simulations, and the ongoing AGI (artificial general intelligence) engine OpenCog Hyperon as our first AI suite. This includes the Generative Cooperative Network (GCN), which is similar to the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), but with a slightly different approach. This will allow crowdsourcing of AI models from other scientists to create a simulation based on the principles of consensus in complex adaptive systems

Once network members start sending in data along different axes, Rejuve's AI framework can start to look for patterns and connections, including the implementation of specific studies and hypotheses related to longevity, like taking a certain supplement regularly or following a certain exercise plan. When the AI analyses are done and we know what they mean, we will move on to clinical trials and the production of therapies that can be sold to Rejuve token holders at discounted prices and give them access to these solutions first.

Partnerships are a core aspect of the development of the Rejuve network. Rejuve leverages the labor and skills of individuals and businesses who want to help the cause, not only through health data contributions and AI models, but also through partnerships and collaborative efforts. While we intend to develop in-house solutions, Rejuve will collaborate with other longevity-focused supplement and test providers, apps, research organizations, biopharma companies, and others to achieve the goal of an extended healthy lifespan for all.

Rejuve.AI チーム

検証済み 0%


Jasmine Smith
Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Deborah Duong
Chief Technology Officer


$36 000 000

Dr. Ben Goertzel
Chief AI Scientist
Elvira Khismatullina
Partnerships Manager
Michael Duncan
Clinical Research Director
Kennedy Schaal
Sr. Biologist

Rejuve.AI 最後のニュース

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