It all started with the idea to replace plastic in everyday products with more sustainable material. Drawing from previous experience with manufacturing, our founders spent several years looking for a solution. In 2018, they discovered how to bind wood flour to natural substances.
Ta-da! That is how our iconic fork was born. The overwhelmingly positive public response inspired us to mass-produce cutlery, and a year later, in 2019, we founded Refork.
To achieve our mission, we decided to establish our research & development facility in Prague. The benefits of this decision? We can make and test our magic formula while also provide the best possible final product. We take pride in it being local and in-house!
Whether you're eating at home or outside, you should always have a choice to eat comfortably and without compromising the Planet.
We look at sustainability through a holistic lens across the whole value chain. It means striving for continuous improvement in every aspect of our business and keeping the environment and natural resources at the heart of everything we do. We're directly addressing the UN's Sustainable Development Goal #12 as our goal is to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
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