Dater - レート日付ウェブサイトの登録ユーザーで、オンラインビデオの日付オークションにプロフィールを掲載します。
Rater - レート日付ウェブサイトの登録ユーザーで、オンラインビデオの日付オークションに入札します。
レート・デート・カンパニーの主な目標は、できるだけ多くの孤独な心をつなぎ、人々がハイテク時代に知り合いをつけやすくすることです。リソースを確立する際、Rate Dateはユーザーのために新しい機会を開発し、実装する予定であるため、大多数の競合他社に勝る利点があります。
オンラインビデオの日付オークションに参加する機会 レーターとDater。
ユニークな動画を使用して動画のデートプロセスを簡素化する プラグイン "datenet"、これは可能なトピックを提供する 出会いの参加者。
Q4 2017
Q3 2018
検証済み 0%
検証済み 0%
The perfect option for Rate Date to attract investments and raise funds is to carry out an ICO sale. Funds collected through the token sales will be used for the creation of the internal payment unit of the resource, which is based on the blockchain technology.
A successful ICO result will grant customers an opportunity to systematically evaluate all the benefits and opportunities such as online video date auctions in a short period of time.
Is this company a great investment? We would not rate it as a great investment, but it can be a good one under the certain circumstances. If you plan to use the services provided by this company, this can be a good investment as you will be able to pay less to use them, so it can be a good idea to invest in Rate Date if you already liked the platform.
If your objective is only to find a profitable investment which can grant you a great return on investment, then it would be a good idea to look somewhere else for it. Rate Date does not seem like a platform which will be able to give you that, so while it might indeed give you a return on investment, it might not be as good as you wanted to if you invest in this company.
The choice is yours, but remember the risks and the possible gains before you decide if you are going to invest in this company or if you are not willing to do that at this moment. Rate Date might be an interesting platform, but only you can say if it will be good for you.
As the main point of the site is declared the offer of the online auction function of video dating. Based on the proposed action plan the lack of the project capitalization and lack of market research of the proposed functional reference the investment in this project are extremely questionable.
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