What comes after the rise and fall of cryptocurrencies?

2019年1月29日 プレスリリースに戻る

Join us in London on 3 and 4 April for the next edition of Crypto Capital World

Last year was a terribly rough one for cryptocurrency markets, with valuations plummeting to levels most observers were never expecting to be hit again. While some are proclaiming we’re in a veritable nuclear winter for years to come, and some even that there is no chance of recovery, there are also those who remain optimistic and argue that this is normal cyclical behavior and the future looks bright as ever.

Either way, these are interesting times in cryptoland. Blockchain, the promising technology underpinning the crypto industry, continues to grow up and seems to be unstoppable in its rise across markets and geographies. Meanwhile, many of the world’s largest financial institutions (and giants from other industries) are adopting blockchain technology and integrating cryptocurrency into their vast array of offerings.

Governments and market watchdogs around the world, meanwhile, are scrambling to regulate the industry, with legislative measures ranging from severely limiting the use and trading of crypto, to welcoming new initiatives with open arms.

Whatever the future may hold (hodl?) for crypto, there is a definite need for a high-level forum where the future of cryptocurrencies can be openly debated among peers and major stakeholders, where industry leaders can engage in deep discussions about where we are heading (and when we can hope to get there). Well… ask and you shall receive.

On 3 and 4 April 2019, we are repeating the Crypto Capital World summit we co-organised in Vilnius last year. This time, we are gathering a relatively small but high-quality group of pundits, policymakers, financial services industry executives, entrepreneurs, investors, journalists and analysts in a five-star resort just outside of London (and close to Luton airport). Yes, the featured image is a picture of the venue.

Save the date if you’re interested in the future of cryptocurrencies! Expect two days of top-notch debates, new insights, and high-level networking.

Now that you’ve marked the date: we are currently doing an intensive search for high-level speakers and sponsors who are interested in making sure the quality of the event surpasses even the level of the first edition of Crypto Capital World summit from this year.

If you have suggestions on who should definitely be on stage, participate in the discussions or otherwise engage with the audience at the second edition of the event, please get in touch.

We are keen to make Crypto Capital World a no-nonsense, reference event about crypto’s prospects, and we’re looking for the best of the best to engage in high-level debates.