Block World Tour Returns to Granada in 2024

2024年2月29日 プレスリリースに戻る

Block World Tour is already counting the days to open its doors again and welcome its 13th edition in Granada. From May 14 to 16, this - already consolidated - technological congress will bring together leaders and users of the blockchain industry in Granada, who will present technological innovations and enjoy a program full of top-level workshops, talks and debates.

Block World Tour (BWT) is a technological and multicultural event that has established itself in Spain after celebrating 12 editions. Since 2018, the Iberian Peninsula has been toured, covering the different technological aspects of the 21st century and increasingly bringing users and companies closer to receive information about certain products and technological advances.

This is the year of the explosion of the blockchain industry with the arrival of ETFs in the financial world and the decisive commitment of large investment funds and global regulations to this technology.

The emergence of new advances in the world of investment, finance and globalization, with greater ease of access for users, by being able to access markets inaccessible until now, thanks to the tokenization of assets, with RWA (Real World Assets) , will be one of the fundamental axes of discussion and explanation at this event.

The arrival of blockchain to society in a transparent way is a fact, therefore, singers, actors, actresses, producers from the world of cinema and music, will have a space at the event, to explain the future of the entertainment industry.

Furthermore, this congress continues to innovate in its structure. In addition to the talks of a very high academic level, a series of workshops and specific sessions for developers will be added with the participation of the international blockchains with the greatest projection and acceptance.

There will be no shortage of discussion panels on the regulation that is coming, MICA, Pilot Regime, MICA2 and the application in more and more countries, such as El Salvador, Lithuania, the Emirates or Hong Kong.

People who attend this Block World Tour in Granada will be surrounded by great experts, entrepreneurs and developers who, as they have already demonstrated in previous editions, are not willing to miss the opportunity to learn first-hand about the blockchain world and its job possibilities. not only as developers and programming experts, but as businessmen, entrepreneurs, communication or legal assistance.

With all this, the city of Granada, the University of Granada, the Andalusian Technology Cluster ONtech and the Health Technology Park, will host the most important conferences held in the Andalusian community on blockchain technology and its ecosystem and will be a showcase for future startups and projects looking for an opportunity in the technological world.