Best-selling Author and Financial Journalist Michael Lewis to Speak at Bitcoin 2023 Conference In Miami

2023年3月6日 プレスリリースに戻る

The best-selling author of The Big Short, Moneyball, Flash Boys, Liar's Poker & his newest book The Premonition will be joining a fireside chat on May 19th at the upcoming Bitcoin 2023 conference in Miami.  

Lewis's contribution to understanding the current social, economical and political situation is remarkable. With his history and economics degrees, as well as his investigative journalism approach, he offers a unique point of view through the eyes of his real life characters on the motion of the society. He describes the impact of the economic crisis in 2008 along with introducing bitcoin - the first cryptocurrency - in his book The Big Short.

Lewis's podcast “Against the Rules” premiered a new monthly series called “On Background” on February 14, 2023 featuring interviews with experts to get background context on the world his characters inhabit.

"We're thrilled to have one of the best-selling authors of all time speaking at Bitcoin 2023. Michael has spent his career writing stories about those who dared to dream of a better financial industry and we hope to make clear Bitcoin is building that bright future," said Pete Rizzo, Chief Content Officer, Bitcoin Magazine.

Bitcoin 2023 is the world’s largest annual Bitcoin conference hosted by Bitcoin Magazine. The conference became the platform for the most breakthrough announcements in the history of bitcoin. Fireside chats are an instrument for critical thinkers to discuss the bitcoin adoption and its impact on society as well as help to cultivate healthy dialogs on related topics.

“We are thrilled to be able to provide to our community yet another big speaker that has a lot to offer and perhaps show us the way we are succeeding or failing in understanding bitcoin adoption, the mission that we all have committed to," said Mike Germano, President of BTC Inc. - The Bitcoin Conference organizer

About Bitcoin Magazine

Since 2012 Bitcoin Magazine has been the most trusted source of news, information, and expert commentary on Bitcoin. Providing analysis, research, education, and thought leadership at the intersection of finance, technology, and culture. They are also the organizer of the cryptocurrency industry's largest annual event – The Bitcoin Conference.
This annual global Bitcoin Conference has grown tremendously since it began in San Francisco in 2019. Last April in Miami the team hosted over 26,000 attendees and 400+ companies and went global in October of 2022 with Bitcoin Amsterdam – the largest European bitcoin conference.