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Playermon is a boundless NFT Game where anyone can explore and battle in the universe with their favorite Playermons!
  • 市場
  • Bitforex
    PYM/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.0019
    $ 2.769 K
  • Quickswap
    PYM/0XC2132D05D31C914A87C6611C10748AEB04B58E8F ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.0048
    $ 1.382 K
    PYM/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.0049
    $ 1.698 K
  • MEXC
    PYM/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.0676
    $ 76.511 K
To be announced

約 Playermon

Playermon Team believes in the potential of the project because of the current huge demand on NFT games and combining it with the more than a decade of award winning experience of the founders and developers in the mobile game industry.

Playermon Team feels that the game will be in demand because of:

  • Adorable and artistically made Playermons, with a potential to be high-demand NFT collectibles
  • Strong focus on tokenomics, burning and gaming mechanism and staking through the execution of well-known Blockchain developers in ASIA
  • Multiple games in a game that provides many opportunities to earn and to unwind with focus on socializing and competing with other players
  • Dedication and commitment of gaming developers and artists around the world to the project (with decades of experience, expertise and award-winning talents)
  • Support from strong advisors and partners from the blockchain game communities
  • Ability of Playermon Team to listen to the community and execute what is best for the game
  • A platform is created for artists, content creators and gamers to unleash the passion and connect in the virtual world

What is Playermon?

Playermon was conceptualized to become the next leading play-to-earn NFT game in the blockchain game industry through a 10-year roadmap with focus on growth and long-term stability. It is a boundless play-to-earn NFT game where anyone can explore and battle in the universe with their favorite space companions called Playermons. This is a game that is accessible to everyone with low entry costs, and provides the ability to generate income based on creativity and "playformance". This project aims to empower the Playermon community of creators, players, and investors.

What is Playermon's Gameplay?

About the gameplay, this project will initially provide a Tamagotchi-like experience where a player can feed, play and bathe his/her Playermons. It will also come up with another game within the game that uses a turn-based card gameplay system. All players need to form a team with 3 Playermons. Strategically, the placement of Playermons can provide an advantage over the opponent. The winner will gain token rewards and the Playermons will gain experiences.

Long term, the Playermon Team aims to provide a space for the players to express their creativity:

  • Players can sell and mint their own design game asset in our marketplace.
  • Each unique design of the game asset will be able to use on the owner's own planet as a decorative asset.
  • Players can design, own, and monetize their game assets.
  • Each planet becomes a community-built mini-game platform.

Playermon aims to provide an enjoyable, addictive and sustainable game economy that focuses on proven tokenomics, burning and game mechanisms based on the founders’ and team’s passion on gaming industry and NFT games.

The Team's mission is to create an NFT game that provides high engagement value among players, and where through gaming, they can experience the following:

  • Immersive storytelling that provide players with exciting experiences in the battlefields;
  • Strategizing and battling against one another using their gaming prowess;
  • Colonizing planets to harvest resources in peace;
  • Breed/create new Playermons with unique features and better stats; and, a Metaverse Space where community members can generate income

What Makes Playermon Unique?

The NFT Play-to-Earn (P2E) has grown significantly with top P2E Companies reaching almost $10B market cap. Axie Infinity is the leading example of success in this space with more than $7B valuation that continues to spike up since their coin launch a few years ago.

As Playermon Team understands the criticality of blockchain network in the long term success of P2E games, Polygon (MATIC) combines the best of Ethereum and sovereign blockchains into an attractive feature set which is built by developers, for developers. As we start our journey to Playermon Metaverse, we like the Polygons’s features which are:

  • ETH Compatibility Industry dominance, established tech stack, tools, languages, standards, enterprise adoption
  • Scalability Dedicated blockchains, scalable consensus algorithms, custom Wasm execution environments
  • Security Modular ''security as a service'', provided either by Ethereum or by a pool of professional validators
  • Sovereignty Dedicated throughput/resources, fully customizable tech stack, sovereign governance
  • Interoperability Native support for arbitrary message passing (tokens, contract calls etc), bridges to external systems
  • User Experience Comparable to Web2, “zero-gas” transactions, instant (deterministic) transaction finality
  • Developer Experience Equivalent to Ethereum, no protocol level knowledge required, no token deposits, fees or permissions
  • Modularity High customizability, extensibility and upgradeability, short time-to-market, community collaboration

Some of the examples that Playermon offers are:

  • Functionality for investors and managers related to access control to maximize productivity and achieve a more decentralized approach end-to-end with the players
  • The founders and team’s decades of experience in award-winning mobile game products to bridge the traditional gaming as the world embraces the blockchain technology
  • Empowerment not just for investors and players but including the content creators and artists
  • Introduction of socializing elements to appreciate each others’ creativity, connect and collaborate within the virtual world - Playermon Metaverse.

Playermon 最後のニュース

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