Phone Booth

Phone Booth

Created using Figma
Decentralized Private Communication
Encrypted communication portals mapped to real world locations.
PhoneBooth enables proximity based communication mimicking a physical phone booth experience. Booths exist ephemeral in location-based augmented reality space. Converse securely and privately at specified real world coordinates.
To be announced

約 Phone Booth

Decentralized Private Communication

Encrypted communication portals mapped to real world locations. PhoneBooth enables proximity based communication mimicking a physical phone booth experience. Booths exist ephemeral in location-based augmented reality space. Converse securely and privately at specified real world coordinates.   Makes Phones Great Again is more than just a meme, it is movement powered by decentralized physical infrastructure Network (DePIN). Phon3booth transcends past, present and future culture by providing real privacy through secure, proximity-based communication in real-world settings. Phon3booth is not a wallet to wallet communication platform. Rather, Phon3booth employs zero knowledge to assure no trace of the communication is left behind (perfect for Tucker Carlson and anyone alarmed with the lack of privacy with modern encrypted communication apps). As Phon3booth scales it has the potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries from digital art installations to mental health therapy, legal services, and doctors. This fusion of physical spaces with digital enhancements opens new avenue for real world survey’s and community based token air drops. The Beta for Phon3booth drops in 3 months. Join our community and be part of the decentralized communication revolution.


  • Phase 1

  • Network Layer:Develop protocols that support anonymous communication over various networks, incorporating zero-knowledge proofs for identity verification without revealing user data.
    DEXTools AMA on Binance Live.
    Data Layer: Implement biometric data encryption methods and secure storage solutions that utilize zero-knowledge proofs to enhance privacy.
    Spatial Computing Layer: Begin integrating biometric inputs for AR interactions and developing privacy-preserving geolocation services using zero-knowledge proofs.
    UI/UX Design: Design interfaces that seamlessly incorporate biometric authentication methods (fingerprint, facial recognition) for user access.
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    New Holders Tab in Pair Explorer.
    New website
    New exclusive Telegram group for 1K $DEXT holders.
  • Phase 2

  • Core Features Development: Integrate zero-knowledge proofs for secure messaging, voice, and video communications without revealing metadata.
    MVP Release: Launch a minimum viable product that includes basic communication features secured by biometrics and zero-knowledge proofs.
    Feedback Collection: Gather and analyze user feedback on the security and usability of biometric and zero-knowledge proof mechanisms.
  • Phase 3

  • Advanced Features: Develop and integrate advanced communication features, enhancing security with sophisticated zero-knowledge proof algorithms.
    Ecosystem Development: Establish a governance model and micropayment system, ensuring transactions are secure and private through zero-knowledge proofs.
  • Phase 4

  • Community Building: Engage with users and stakeholders to build a strong community around the platform, emphasizing the security benefits of biometrics and zero-knowledge proofs.
    Launch Preparation: Conduct final security audits and user experience optimizations to ensure the platform’s readiness for public launch.

Phone Booth 最後のニュース

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