PEPE Wrestling

PEPE Wrestling

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The Wrestling Pepe team looks towards creating the next blockbuster fighting game with esports competition in mind. Our aspirations towards building an AAA-level game are what first sets us apart from others in the NFT gaming industry. Such an undertaking used to be impossible for independent studios, but today with the fundraising capabilities of the crypto and NFTs this is a realistic and achievable goal.
100% 完成した
資金調達 - データなし
PEPE Wrestling
United States
Apr 27, 2023
Binance Smart Chain

約 PEPE Wrestling

What are our goals and what drives us to achieve them? The Wrestling Pepe team looks towards creating the next blockbuster fighting game with esports competition in mind. Our aspirations towards building an AAA-level game are what first sets us apart from others in the NFT gaming industry. Such an undertaking used to be impossible for independent studios, but today with the fundraising capabilities of the crypto and NFTs this is a realistic and achievable goal. Paying homage to the old-school fighting games we all grew up with, Wrestling Pepe looks to take that inspiration and apply it to the industry-defining innovation possible with blockchain technology. Wrestling Pepe is focused on building a free-to-play competitive fighting game with PVP & eSports at the forefront of development and design decisions. Fight Legends is fight gaming, simply improved through blockchain technology as opposed to being the center of attention at the behest of gameplay that’s dynamic and fun.

The team behind the project We have been busy building a world-class team of industry professionals. A project on the scale of Wrestling Pepe is nothing without a dedicated team of superstars and that’s exactly what we’re bringing to the table! From day one Wrestling Pepe has focused on bringing aboard the best the fight game industry has to offer, including bringing onto the team artists involved in creating games such as Street Fighter 2, Street Fighter V, the Tekken Franchise, SoulCalibur, and more! That focus has resulted in an unbelievable team that combines traditional and blockchain gaming experience and passion all towards building the fight game of the future. A game made for gamers, by gamers. — Wrestling Pepe

Platforms Our goal is to distribute Fight Legends across as many platforms as possible. Wrestling Pepe will release on PC (Windows) first. Because we are still in an early development stage, this lets us iterate quickly and ship out updates on a regular basis. However, our ultimate goal with the game is to launch on as many platforms as possible. The Wrestling Pepe game being developed in Unity allows for just that! The designated launch plan is as follows: PC Mac & Linux Consoles (Old-gen support is not confirmed yet) Mobile Cross-platform play is our end goal here, as players will be able to play with anyone, no matter their platform of choice. Our servers are being designed from the ground up with cross-play in mind! Wrestling Pepe also supports any kind of input to play: Keyboard & mouse, controller (X-Box or Playstation), and even fight sticks!

Story Mode Uncover the story of Wrestling Pepe while fighting your way through the multiverse earning rewards and becoming the best-of-the-best! This epic Story Mode will be the likes of which has never been seen before in the fighting game genre. To experience this mode, players will need to own NFT Fighters or rent them via the free hiring mechanic. Players in Story Mode will have the option of taking a roster of up to 3 Fighters into their singleplayer adventures. These different Fighters can be used selectively towards strategically winning matches and progressing. The world of Wrestling Pepe will be divided into regions and sub-areas therein. Players will fight their way through all of them, completing missions and uncovering secrets towards earning tokens and ingame assets. Each region’s sub-areas serve as 8 different stages to fight in. Each area will feature its own slice of the story with multiple fights & events, eventually culminating in a fight against a boss character distinctly from that area. To accomplish all this, players have to complete each area in one go: Choose your roster of Fighters wisely because there will be no swapping them, and they won’t regain their health at the end of a fight! The only option is to defeat everyone or die trying


  • Phase 00

  • Pre-launch Phase
    - Research, Requirements and Concept of PEPEWWE
    - Definition, Ruleset and Logic of the PEPEWWE Mechanics
    - Legal Counsel and Security Policies
    - Foundation, Key Building Blocks and Basic Setup
    - Token Generation Event Preparation
  • Phase 01

  • Prototype Development
    - Setup and Configuration
    - Smart Contracts Programming
    - Rule Test, Verification and Adaptations
  • Phase 02

  • Minimum viable Product
    - Wallet and API Development
    - Working Marketplace Demo
    - Bsc Bep20 Non-Fungible Item Implementation
    - GTX Reward System
  • Phase 0.3

  • Launch
    - Public Announcement
    - Item Rental Feature Planning
    - Scaling Solution Research
    Demo Updates:
    - Live Testing of Rental Feature
    - Transparent Fees
    - Item Filtering
    - Inventory Pages
    Presale & Fair Lounch
    - Add Liquidty to contract Pankaceswap
    - Lock LQ for one Year by DX sale App
  • 続きを読む
  • Phase 1.0

  • Development
    - Proof of Concept for Sidechain Scaling Solution
    - Universal API Development
    - Esports Team Partnerships
    - Community Building Roadshows
    - GitHub Smart Contract Release
    - Burn all Dev Token
    - Renounce Ownership
    - Smart Contract Audit
    - Production Sidechain Deployment
    - Public Release
    - Listing on Coingecko & coinmarketcap
  • Phase 2.0

  • Release and Expansion
    - Token Generation Event
    - New Game Integrations
    - Blockchain Explorer Development
    - Game SDKs
    - Item Auction Function
    - Designer's Corner
    - Certik Audit
  • Phase 3.0

  • - Token Generation Event
    - Listing on major CEX
    - New Game Integrations
    - Blockchain Explorer Development
    - Game SDKs
    - Item Auction Function
    - Designer's Corner

PEPE Wrestling チーム

検証済み 0%


Donald Franklin Cass...
Huan Rodriguez
Michael Woodworth

PEPE Wrestling 最後のニュース

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