PePe Le Pew Coin

PePe Le Pew Coin

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Pepé Le Pew Coin ($PLPC) is a meme coin that brings romance and wit to the cryptocurrency space. By playfully mocking other meme coins and infusing romance into the market, Pepé Le Pew Coin captures the hearts of investors while offering a unique investment opportunity. With its deflationary mechanics and commitment to transparency, Pepé Le Pew Coin aims to create a lasting impact in the crypto community.
To be announced
0% Transaction Tax
Experience the joy of '0% transaction taxes', no fees, only freedom to trade as you wish!

"Love's Deflation" Burn
Our token decreases 24.4% in the first year, intensifying its exclusivity!

We set aside 1.6% of tokens for gamification, join our games and giveaways!

約 PePe Le Pew Coin

Pepé Le Pew Coin ($PLPC), the charismatic meme coin that adds a touch of romance to the cryptocurrency world, is thrilled to announce its official listing on CoinMarketCap. This significant milestone marks a new chapter for Pepé Le Pew Coin, solidifying its presence in the market and paving the way for increased visibility and accessibility to a broader audience of investors.

As Pepé Le Pew Coin continues to gain momentum and captivate the crypto community with its unique charm, the listing on CoinMarketCap serves as a testament to the coin’s growing popularity and potential for long-term success. CoinMarketCap, a renowned platform that provides comprehensive information and real-time data on cryptocurrencies, enables investors to access vital statistics, market trends, and trading volumes related to Pepé Le Pew Coin.

CoinMarketCap’s recognition of Pepé Le Pew Coin ($PLPC) as a listed token is a testament to its promising trajectory within the crypto market. It reflects the coin’s strong fundamentals, community support, and innovative approach to meme coin investing. The listing not only enhances Pepé Le Pew Coin’s credibility but also provides a platform for investors to discover and explore its unique features and investment potential.

Pepé Le Pew Coin ($PLPC) has been making waves with its engaging narrative and deflationary mechanics that resonate with the collective longing for a historic cryptocurrency bull run. By playfully mocking other meme coins and infusing romance into the digital currency space, Pepé Le Pew Coin has carved out a distinctive niche for itself, capturing the hearts of investors seeking both financial gains and a lighthearted experience.

With a commitment to transparency and fairness, Pepé Le Pew Coin ($PLPC) implements a 0% transaction tax model, allowing users to freely trade and exchange the token without additional fees. The deflationary mechanism of Pepé Le Pew Coin encourages scarcity by burning a portion of tokens with each pursuit of love, creating an attractive investment opportunity with potential value appreciation.

Pepé Le Pew Coin ($PLPC) invites all crypto enthusiasts and investors to join the love revolution and experience the intoxicating blend of romance and financial gains. The listing on CoinMarketCap opens new doors for Pepé Le Pew Coin, enabling a broader audience to participate in its journey and discover the endless possibilities it offers.


  • Phase 1: 'Skunking' Around

  • Private Presale (Sold Out)

    ‣ #TopSecretMemeCoin Marketing Campaign

    ‣ Live! Reaveal and Stealth Launch Event Hosted by Squid Grow Joe on YouTube, 6.29.23 @ 10 am EST

    ‣ Release 'Love me, Love me not' Coin Flip Game

    ‣ Attract 1,000 Holders
    We'll be skunking around, making 'scent-sations', just like Pepe le Pew!
  • Phase 2: 'Ooh la la' Engagement

  • ‣ Pivot Marketing Focusing on $PLPC

    ‣ Get listed on CoinGecko

    ‣ Get listed on CoinMarketCap

    ‣ NFT Game (Details TBA)

    ‣ Attract 10,000+ holders.

    We'll ensure our charm spreads far and wide, just as Pepé would do!
  • Phase 3: 'Zee' Meme Domination

  • ‣ 3rd Game (Details TBA)

    ‣ Listings on CEXs

    ‣ Merch Store

    ‣ Meme Coin World Domination

    ‣ Attract 100,000+ holders.

    We'll be in full 'Pepé-mode', aiming for 'zee' top, just like our favorite romantic skunk!

PePe Le Pew Coin チーム

検証済み 0%


Dave Rahman
Co-Founder, Team Leader
Trent Butler
Co-Founder, Community Manager
Wild West Crypto Dou...
Co-Founder, Strategist
Jason Crimmel
Co-Founder, Technology Management
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