Petter Sehlin

Blockchain and Fintech investment advisor
About Petter Sehlin
Technician and entrepreneur since the early 90's. Raised with the x86 architecture. My father brought home an IBM PC in '83. From that moment, I was sold. Consequently built my first network (Novell-based) in the late eighties and entered the BBS world around 1990. First connected to the Internet in '93. My heroes and role models are found among the entrepreneurs and technicians who built the modern PC industry from the 1960's and laid the foundations for today's connected world. The 70's and 80's were a fascinating era of technological development where a generation of business executives managed to combine deep technical know-how with a vision of how computerization would change our society. They then transformed that vision into amazing innovations and businesses which we still benefit greatly from today. I'm a Founding Partner, and IC-member of True Global Ventures funds 1-3 with active investments in tokenized business like Bluzelle, CanYa, GBX and Stryking Entertainment. I also have active equity investments in Sharespost, Paynear, Customer Matrix, Opentopic, Yatedo, Kivra and Music Xray. I'm currently working on three different projects, Boka, Youcal and SCALE X. Boka is a web-based booking system with over 17,000 connected suppliers. Youcal is a global PaaS under development and scheduled for release in 2018. SCALE X is an innovation and start up hub supporting young entrepreneurs and doing angel investments. +10 founded businesses. +20 successful full and partial exits as founder/co-founder/partner. 10 years of experience as angel investor and start up business advisor. +100 current investments in everything from property to cryptocurrencies.
  • Risbergska School, Örebro
    • Associate's degree
    • Economics
  • Inbot
    • Blockchain Advisor
  • Crowd-Genie
    • Blockchain Advisor
  • True Global Ventures
    • Partner
  • See 9 more
    • Founder
  • Youcal
    • Founder
  • Digital Information AB
    • Owner
  • eBay
    • Category Manager
  • Stryking Entertainment GmbH
    • Blockchain Advisor
  • Tradera AB
    • Fixed price & Sales manager
    • Founder
  • Catwalk Interactive AB
    • Consultant
  • Eskimo Media AB
    • Owner
Advisor in
Associated ICOs