Alex Heid

United States
About Alex Heid
Alexander Heid is Chief Research Officer at Security Scorecard, and is Co-founder and President/CEO of HackMiami. HackMiami is the premier resource in South Florida for highly skilled hackers that specialize in vulnerability analysis, penetration testing, digital forensics, and all manner of information technology and security. His specialties include digital crime intelligence analysis, application security auditing, network vulnerability analysis, penetration testing, and malware reversal. Much of the research he has participated in is frequently featured at national industry conferences and within mainstream media. Previously, Heid served as Chapter Chair for South Florida OWASP, and worked within the financial industry. Heid was also a founding member of the Prolexic Technologies PLXSERT team. In 2007, Alexander Heid founded the Information Security Services, Inc. a full service information technology and information consulting firm. Heid attended Florida International University. He is a regular organizer and featured speaker at industry conferences.
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