Aleksi Mäkinen

Entrepreneur | Head of Region at BAC LLC | Advisor
$ 40,257,067
Projects Raised
About Aleksi Mäkinen
Aleksi Mäkinen is an Entrepreneur as well as the Head of Region at BAC LLC. Aleksi has been involved in OTC stock and cryptocurrency markets for several years. In the field of blockchain he has worked with a broad range of tasks, including: ICO development and strategy; ICO scheduling and project management; business development; growth strategies; branding; and fundamental and technical analysis based investments. Additionally, he seeks to help startups with ICO and exchange listings. Aleksi works actively in tailoring of different strategies and has provided valuable solutions and ideas for companies of all sizes. Colleagues have described Aleksi to be a diligent and creative individual who thinks outside the box. Now expanding to advisory services also. Started accepting offers 4/2018.
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