Overwater Eagle Squad

Overwater Eagle Squad

Created using Figma
The Overwater Eagle Squad IS THE NEXT Overwater NFT collection TO INTEGRATE Augmented Reality within the World Overwater Metaverse. The collection is COMPOSED OF 10,000 UNIQUE DIGITAL COLLECTIBLES ON THE ETHEREUM BLOCKCHAIN, ERC-721.
To be announced
United States

約 Overwater Eagle Squad

August 4th we are inviting the masses to join our Squad for our FREE Eagle Mint. What makes the Eagles unique to the World Overwater you ask? The Eagle collection is your ticket to Events around the world. The World Overwater is all about Experiences and the Eagle collection will be dedicated to adventure seekers around the world. Event experiences focused on sports, concerts, festivals and much more. As the squad migrates to various events, NFT owners will be perked based on the event background of each Eagle.

Own a Football Eagle and escape to an Oakland Raider football game in Vegas or a Concert Eagle and catch a show at Red Rock in Colorado. These are just a few of the experiences you will find as a member of our squad. Overwater dedicated to AUGMENTING OUR EXPERIENCES OF REALITY.

Pelican & Flamingos & Eagles will unite Sept. 29, 2022 in San Pedro Belize. Don’t miss out as the floor price will rise when the masses discover the benefits of being apart of our Squad. Airdrops, NFTs, tokens, whitelists, virtual land, domains and much more to come. I would suggest you grab a Pelican as well before its too late.


Your bio works with blocks. Choose from loads of different options and then add your content! Finally, adjust your profile by dragging your blocks up and down.

Overwater Mobile app

Overwater: Powered by Vidit is the first Social Media Platform that gives the power of Augmented Reality to the users, where users can create, attach and share content!

Overwater AR makes it possible for users to live interactive augmented reality experiences customized in the real world. The new standard in augmented reality and the first content browser where the user does not choose the contents but the world submits the possible experiences based on its geographical position.

* Crowd populated with Social features
* Self Creation AR Experience
* Across Platform Sharing (geo, text, etc)
* Image Recognition & Tracking
* Video, 3D, 2D AR Display



* NFT Gallery: Get more eyes on your NFTs by connecting your Metamask wallet or using an OpenSea link to showcase them right on your Overwater.

* NFT Profile Image and Background: Level up your Overwater to Web3 by using your NFTs as a verified profile image and background.

* NFT Lock: Build your Web3 community and reward NFT owners by creating exclusive content that can only be unlocked by verifying ownership of a certain collection.

The NFT Gallery, NFT Lock, and NFT Profile Image are available on all plans. The NFT Background is only available on paid plans.


  • Q1 2022

  • Release Augmented Reality Mobile App
    Launch Lazy Pelican Squad NFT Mint
  • Q2 2022

  • Release Bio-Linked Custom URL User Profiles
    Release Web3 User NFT Collection Profile Displays
  • Q3 2022

  • Launch Free Flamingo Flock NFT Mint
    Release Augmented Reality NFT Marketplace
  • Q4 2022

  • Launch Elite Eagle NFT Mint
    $OVER Private Token Sale

Overwater Eagle Squad チーム

検証済み 100%

Rick Jennings
Jack Kochen
Rodrigo Moya


$13 300 000

Joseph Reiben
Dario Herrera
Point Investment
Kevin Riley
Riley Animation
Dylan Morse
The CNXN Group
Sean Carey
HD Interactive

Overwater Eagle Squad 最後のニュース

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