OAK Network

OAK Network

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The Web 3.0 Hub for DeFi and Payment Automation. OAK is building an automation blockchain for DeFi and recurring payments across protocols. The goal of the OAK blockchain is to allow users to schedule actions to execute based on a condition. This guide will talk you through how to use OAK, and some examples of how it could be used.

約 OAK Network

OAK (On-chain Autonomous Kernel) Network is an automation blockchain for Defi and recurring payments across protocols. The blockchain is built on Parity Substrate with an event-driven execution model. Different from Ethereum’s transaction-based model, where a transaction requires private key signing, OAK allows transactions to be triggered by event signals such as time, price, event triggers and smart contract state changes.

OAK Network aims to be the best-in-class automation utility across protocols, offering on-chain automation not possible today, such as limit & stop-loss orders on Automated-Market-Making DEX and recurring payments. With OAK’s on-chain finality and network security, it can empower any blockchain with its autonomous functionality, unleashing endless product potentials.


To make automation seamless, trustless and secure for consumers of all generations.


For the everyday consumer to take decentralized automation for granted.

Company Goals

  1. As a Layer 1 (L1) automation blockchain, we are deploying an event-driven execution virtual machine.
  2. This L1 core functionality will be used to create best-in-class consumer-friendly UX by working with partners to develop DApps.


No more wrapped asset

Assets are supported by the chain and no longer needs to tie up with one smart contract.

One-to-many distribution

OAK VM supports the capability of sending to multiple addresses with one transaction.

Eliminate off-chain servers

Repetitive transactions can be triggered by on-chain event module.

No private key custody

Set up once, and the transaction can be triggered on-chain, care-free.

Chain-level security

Different from EVM smart contracts, many core utility functions are secured by the network.

Native upgradability

Based on Substrate, OAK Network will constantly evolve with on-chain runtime upgrade.



  • Polkadot parachain built off of the cumulus framework
  • Decentralized, on-chain event listener
  • Cross-chain transaction execution (via XCMP & bridges)


  • 4Q2021

  • Event Registry Proof of Concept
  • 1Q2022 - Turing Network Launch Prep (Canary)

  • OAK Website Design Rebrand
    Kusama crowdloan for Turing (TUR) Network parachain
    Neumann Testnet Launch
    Neumann is a parachain version of the forenamed “OAK Testnet” in the PolkadotJS App

    Turing Network Launch
    Event Registry
    Triggers: time
    Actions: sending an event, and wallet-to-wallet transaction for NEU
  • 2Q2022 - Price & Smart Contract Trigger

  • Kusama crowdloan for Turing (TUR) Network parachain
    Turing Demo Apps
    Turing Private tasks proof of concept
    Wallet integration
    Turing Network Features
    -Private tasks
    -Triggers: price, XCMP events, smart contracts
    -Actions: cross-chain asset transfer, limit order, stop-loss orders, smart contracts
  • 3Q2022 - OAK Network Launch (Mainnet)

  • Turing Private tasks pilot
    Automation Dashboard DApp
  • 続きを読む
  • 4Q2022

  • Dapplets Marketplace
    Private tasks on OAK
    Fully decentralize Turing Network
    -Enable governance
    -Remove sudo

    Network Features
    -Triggers: external data feed (weather, etc.)
    -Actions: IoT actions

OAK Network チーム

検証済み 0%



$4 000 000

Chris Li
Co-founder & CEO
Irsal Mcginnis
Co-founder & CTO
David Finkelstein
Head of Growth
Ryan Huttman
Lead Software Engineer
Sean Mcginnis
Product Manager

OAK Network 最後のニュース

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