New Zealand Targets Crypto Traders for Tax Compliance Amid Growing Adoption

2024年7月4日 BACK TO NEWS

New Zealand's tax authority, the Inland Revenue Department (IRD), has intensified efforts to ensure compliance among individuals trading cryptocurrencies. The department revealed that it has identified 227,000 crypto users engaged in approximately 7 million transactions, totaling NZ $7.8 billion (USD $4.7 billion).

Taxing Cryptocurrency as Property

Since 2018, New Zealand treats cryptocurrency similarly to other forms of property for tax purposes. This means that any profits generated from buying, selling, or trading crypto are subject to taxation. The IRD's latest actions aim to ensure that individuals accurately report their crypto-related income in their tax filings.

Trevor Jeffries, spokesperson for the IRD, emphasized the department's use of data to identify non-compliant users and those with significant crypto holdings. He urged crypto investors to understand their tax obligations and cautioned against the risks of failing to disclose taxable activities related to cryptocurrency transactions.

Educational Efforts and Misconceptions

Jeffries highlighted that the IRD provides resources to help individuals comprehend their crypto tax obligations. Addressing misconceptions about blockchain anonymity, he clarified that the tax agency possesses tools to track and analyze crypto activities effectively, making tax evasion increasingly challenging.

Growing Crypto Adoption in New Zealand

Recent studies indicate a rising interest in digital assets within New Zealand, driven partly by a perceived distrust in traditional financial institutions. A survey of over 1,000 respondents revealed that 14% currently or previously owned cryptocurrency, up from 10% in 2022. Moreover, 45% of respondents expressed consideration of future crypto investments.

Government and Regulatory Perspectives

In April, New Zealand's Commerce Minister, Andrew Bayly, advocated for enhanced government support and regulatory updates to foster a more favorable environment for the crypto industry. Bayly highlighted concerns about slow adoption rates and called for measures to facilitate growth and innovation within the sector.


As New Zealand continues to navigate the complexities of regulating cryptocurrency, the IRD's proactive measures underscore its commitment to ensuring tax compliance among crypto traders. With growing adoption and evolving regulatory landscapes, stakeholders are encouraged to stay informed about their obligations and the evolving regulatory framework.