Chinese Authorities Crack Down on $300 Million Money Laundering Scheme Involving Virtual Currencies

2024年5月13日 BACK TO NEWS

The Public Security Bureau of Panshi City in Jilin Province, China, has successfully dismantled an illegal operation involving underground banks and virtual currencies, leading to the arrest of six individuals suspected of engaging in criminal activities related to money laundering.

According to a report from, the illicit operation, which involved approximately 2.14 billion yuan (around $300 million), exploited the anonymous and decentralized nature of virtual currencies to conduct unlawful exchange operations between the Chinese Renminbi (RMB) and the South Korean Won.

The scheme, which facilitated large-scale money laundering activities across borders, caught the attention of authorities through the Economic Investigation Brigade of the Panshi City Public Security Bureau. Subsequent investigations uncovered crucial leads linking Jin Moudong and his accomplice, Shen Mou, to currency exchange businesses in both China and South Korea.

The suspects allegedly lured unsuspecting individuals into fraudulent transactions before fleeing back to China. Police investigations revealed significant transaction volumes in bank accounts linked to Jin Moudong and Shen Mou, along with diverse customer bases and transaction patterns consistent with illegal underground banking activities.

A dedicated task force was formed to delve deeper into the financial activities, social connections, and organizational structure of the criminal gang. With substantial evidence in hand, the police apprehended Jin Moudong, Shen Mou, and their associates, seizing a considerable number of bank cards and tools used in the commission of the crimes.

The investigation uncovered a range of illegal activities, including the use of domestic accounts for fund transfers, over-the-counter (OTC) trades of virtual currencies, and settlement transactions in Korean Won. The criminal network provided services to Korean purchasing agents, cross-border e-commerce platforms, and import-export trading companies, facilitating the exchange of RMB for Korean Won and vice versa.

As authorities in China crack down on such illicit activities, similar efforts are being made internationally. A joint operation involving authorities from Austria, Cyprus, and the Czech Republic resulted in the arrest of six individuals connected to an online scam related to the sale of rights or tokens for a supposed new cryptocurrency. Additionally, Instagram influencer Jebara Igbara, known as "Jay Mazini," has been sentenced to seven years in prison for orchestrating a multi-million dollar crypto Ponzi scheme.

These enforcement actions underscore the global efforts to combat financial crimes in the cryptocurrency space and protect investors from fraudulent schemes.