BNB Chain Reaffirms Commitment to Web3 Education with Third-Year Sponsorship of Zurich Summer School

2024年5月17日 BACK TO NEWS

BNB Chain, the prominent community-driven blockchain ecosystem, has once again demonstrated its dedication to fostering blockchain education by sponsoring the "Deep Dive into Blockchain Summer School" at the University of Zurich for the third consecutive year. This collaboration ensures that students from across the globe can participate in the program, gaining invaluable insights and skills in blockchain technology.

Global Access to Top Blockchain Education

The University of Zurich's Blockchain Center, ranked among the top three blockchain universities worldwide, benefits significantly from BNB Chain's sponsorship. This financial support allows students, who might otherwise be unable to afford it, to attend the summer school, thus democratizing access to premier blockchain education.

The summer school offers an immersive learning experience where students interact with leading blockchain experts. Through BNB Chain's support, attendees can engage in lectures, hands-on sessions, mentorship, and feedback. The program includes a special module from BNB Chain that challenges students to create innovative solutions on its network. Upon completion, participants receive an NFT certificate, symbolizing their newfound expertise and opening doors to opportunities in the burgeoning blockchain industry.

Empowering Future Blockchain Innovators

BNB Chain's sponsorship goes beyond financial support. The most promising projects developed during the summer school have the potential to be deployed on the BNB Chain, offering students a real-world platform for their innovations. Past summer schools have seen multiple successful projects emerge, establishing themselves within the global blockchain ecosystem—an indicator of the high quality of education and support provided.

Comments from BNB Chain and University Leadership

The BNB Chain Core Development Team emphasized the importance of education in driving the blockchain industry forward and accelerating Web3 adoption. "Through this collaboration, we hope to support more individuals in building cutting-edge Web3 applications on the blockchain," they stated.

Dr. Claudio J. Tessone, Professor of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies at the University of Zurich, praised the partnership. "Having BNB Chain in our Summer School enriches the program. It is one of the most active blockchains, with a rich ecosystem. This continued commitment from BNB Chain allows us to offer high-quality education to students worldwide," he said.

BNB Chain’s Broader Educational Initiatives

This sponsorship is part of BNB Chain's broader suite of programs designed to support blockchain builders and developers. These initiatives include the Most Valuable Builder (MVB) program, various grant programs, and collaborations with educational institutions worldwide. Previous partnerships have involved leading universities like the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Epitech Technology, and Ecole 42, among others.

BNB Chain’s Growing Influence

BNB Chain’s influence in the blockchain space continues to grow. The opBNB network is a top blockchain by daily active users (DAU), handling 5-10K transactions per second at an average cost of $0.001. Additionally, the BNB Smart Chain (BSC) leads as the top Layer 1 blockchain by DAU, with a total value locked exceeding $7.6 billion. These achievements underscore BNB Chain’s role as a leading and effective community-driven blockchain ecosystem.

For more details on BNB Chain's collaboration with the University of Zurich and its various educational initiatives, visit their official channels.

About BNB Chain

BNB Chain is a community-driven blockchain ecosystem aimed at removing barriers to Web3 adoption. It includes BNB Smart Chain (BSC), opBNB, and BNB Greenfield, each serving specific functions to ensure a secure, scalable, and user-friendly blockchain environment.

About The University of Zurich Blockchain Center

The University of Zurich Blockchain Center focuses on interdisciplinary research and education in blockchain technology. It serves as a key liaison among academia, industry, and policymakers, promoting a deep understanding of distributed trust systems.