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The Naplozz App is the paperless record keeper for your business, allowing you to take care of all your paperwork in one place. Its the perfect solution for anyone who wants to improve productivity, increase efficiency and comply to the rules by eliminating the need for paper.
To be announced

約 Naplozz

Complying with regulations or industry standards is challenging for all businesses, small or large because they keep changing frequently. The existing systems find it tough to remain updated and are costly to implement and follow. On the other hand, non-compliance with regulations can have financial repercussions and can result in loss of stakeholder trust as well. With small companies working on tight margins and limited resources, these penalties considerably affect their profits.

Besides, it affects their business because they cannot concentrate on providing their clients with excellent service on time. So there is a need for an effective and efficient solution that can help businesses comply with regulations without affecting customer service. Naplozz is a quality management and data tracking application that utilizes the latest innovative technologies like blockchain, AI and cloud to help business owners remain compliant safely, reliably, and comfortably.

Naplozz is a multi-functional app that will cater to multiple industries as well as to individual users, but with an emphasis on global food safety and labor standards. Besides facilitating continuous regulatory compliance, Naplozz strives to eliminate mandatory inspection and make data tracking easier, safer, and transparent.

Over the years, we have worked collaboratively with hundreds of companies of various sizes. The owners and managers of these businesses were always pointing out how one of the main difficulties for them is to keep the different parts of the management together and to keep the tracking/follow-up system clean and up to date when it comes to regulatory compliance.

To constantly strive to enhance the usability and efficiency of the Naplozz app for the global good by continuously raising the bar. We envision a solid roadmap that guarantees that we will continue to add value to the Naplozz ecosystem by improving quality, adding new features, and enhancing products. Our goal is to build a powerhouse app that will deliver an unparalleled level of efficiency, efficacy, and quality by surpassing any other software available in the compliance industry.


  • 2021

  • Planning
    AUTH, Payment Int.
    User, task, and log management
    Naplozz Wizard
  • 2022

  • Custom Log
    Site Statistics and File Archives
    Admin Request
    Support Chat
    Inventory Log
    Testing with clients
  • 2023 - 1st Half

  • Token Creation and Integration
    Mobile App Development
    Audit System
    Task Tree
    ISO Certificate
    HACCP Order System
  • 2023 - 2nd Half

  • Tutorials and Video Guides
    Naplozz Helpdesk
    Log Integrations
    Naplozz Educational PI
    Crypto Payment System
  • 続きを読む
  • 2024 - 1st Half

  • Naplozz Marketplace
    Log Integrations
    Working Time Assistance
    Naplozz Star Program
    Exchange Listing(s)
  • 2024 - 2nd Half

  • Software Integrations
    Expanded Statistics
    NAP Chain
    New NAP Token Utilities
    NAP Chain Partnerships

Naplozz チーム

検証済み 0%


Gabor Kiss
Founder and CEO
Zsolt Hegyvari
Co-founder and Chairman
Balazs Hornyanszky
CSO and Project manager
Zoltan Halmai
Leonardus Soeterbroe...


検証済み 0%


Tim Haldorsson
Marketing advisor

Naplozz 最後のニュース

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