Nagaya Technologies

Nagaya Technologies

Created using Figma
Hybrid Digital Asset to Empower Global Transactions.
Nagaya (NGY) is more than a digital asset, we aim to be a reliable and secure payment option, preferred by all.
To be announced

約 Nagaya Technologies

The Cryptocurrency space has grown rapidly over the years, reaching new heights in its market capitalization (market cap) and generating more adoption from keen holders. While
all these look great at a glance, the Cryptocurrency space has also been plagued by speculation, market volatility and scams. This is because this space has been dominated by coins that claim to have the next breakthrough technology but do not have the fundamentals or the utility to back them up. Worryingly for most of these coins, they do not have any use case and depend mainly on the community or outside influence to drive their value. It will only be a matter of time before the demand from the community dries up or a negative influence will cause the coins to lose their value and eventually affect their performance over the long run. Data from shows that over 90% of Cryptocurrencies are losing their value and amongst the top 100 Cryptocurrencies listed, there is less than 50% that provide real value or utility to their users. Cryptocurrency is created with a vision, to solve a massive global challenge. Utility is the core criterion in differentiating crypto that has a clear long-term plan going forward from the ones that exist as a speculation tool. Utility in the Cryptocurrency space, as the word suggests, is the use case of Cryptocurrencies or the challenges they are trying to solve. As mentioned before, in this space you will see a lot of coins with inflated or manipulated market value. However, a real market value will emerge when these major problems are resolved.


  • Phase 1

  • Start of PCO.
  • Phase 2

  • Commencement of First Project (Nickel Mine in Sulawesi, Indonesia).
  • Phase 3

  • Distribution of benefits from First Project. Monthly distributions have taken place since.
  • Phase 4

  • Expected Soft Cap : 11,250,000 NGY. After which, Nagaya (NGY) will be available in crypto exchanges.
  • 続きを読む
  • Phase 5

  • Expected official opening of a Smart Mall - P4 Lala Square (Korea) where Nagaya (NGY) will be used as a payment method.
    Nagaya (NGY) will be recognised as payment for purchases of properties by Sesung Co Ltd. in South Korea.
  • Phase 6

  • Launch of our global Peer-to-Peer loan platform.

Nagaya Technologies チーム

検証済み 0%


Yorath Yohannes Tjan...
Chief Executive Officer
Yuli Yolanda
Chief Operations Officer
Jung Heechul
Chief Business Development Officer
Koh Huihui
Chief Communications Officer
N.b Gianchandani
Chief of Digital Media & Training
Bruce Davis
Chief Marketing Officer


検証済み 0%


Mohd. Nizam Ismai

Nagaya Technologies 最後のニュース

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