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Mute is a zkDeFi platform that will be launching in the next weeks and includes innovative features, such as being the first zkDEX on zkSync. But one of the most exciting aspects of Mute is the DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization that empowers its community to govern the platform.
  • 市場
  • Uniswap V2 (Ethereum)
    0X2E2364966267B5D7D2CE6CD9A9B5BD19D9C7C6A9/0XC02AAA39B223FE8D0A0E5C4F27EAD9083C756CC2 ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 35.89
    $ 3.581 K
  • Uniswap (v3)
    0X2E2364966267B5D7D2CE6CD9A9B5BD19D9C7C6A9/ETH ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 22.95
    $ 629.442 K
To be announced
プラットフォーム, 暗号化性


The Mute Switch is a zkRollup DeFi Platform built on zkSync v2. Invest & trade, earn yields, and participate in Bonds all on one decentralized, community driven platform. Leverage the security of Ethereum without high gas fees.

Mute, at its core, is a DeFi platform building a liquidity hub for all protocols built on zkSync. More specifically Mute's flagship dApp, the Mute Switch, is an AMM DEX w/ limit orders, a farming platform, and Bond platform. Mute is a solution for protocols on zkSync to properly incentivize liquidity for their own use cases.

The team behind Mute has a deep history with Zero-Knowledge protocols in crypto. Before Mute, the team created the first Zero-Knowledge Atomic Swap protocol between BTC and UTXO based chains, along with innovative work on Zerocoin and Sigma addressing schemes and transactions. Now, they bring that expertise to Mute and their new initiative: the Mute DAO. With a team that has a proven track record of innovation and expertise, Mute is ready to become a leading player in the zkDeFi space by building on zkSync and driving community long-term value to its.

The native Mute token, MUTE, functions as a utility towards unlocking accessibility into the Mute DAO, which is a locked based vote system based on a soul-bound token, dMUTE (DAO Token). A soul-bound token is a token that cannot be transferred and is locked to the address that receives it.

This lock based system requires MUTE holders to lock their MUTE for a period of time (7-364 days), and in return receive a new soul-bound token, dMUTE.

After the lock period is expired, you are able to redeem and burn your dMUTE back to your original MUTE balance, continue to hold dMUTE, or redeem & re-up a different time lock.


  • Mainnet Release

  • ~March, 2023.
  • Limit Orders

  • Implement limit orders to allow traders to set the price they wish to initiate trades.
  • Amplifier Program

  • A liquidity reward protocol rolled out to incentivize high-value projects to provide liquidity on the Switch. Initially, the Mute team will select the projects, but we envisage subsequent decisions will fall to the DAO.
  • Porter Additions

  • Implement ZK Porter for added privacy and significantly reduced gas fees vs rollup. Porter brings much-needed privacy to L2 and allows those with low capital to once again take advantage of DeFi.
  • 続きを読む
  • NFT Support

  • Develop NFT compatibility with added limit order functionality. There is no more need for price floors or bidding wars; easily buy and sell your NFTs at the price you want.
  • Investigate Porter Shards

  • Initially, Porter will be validated by zkSync's Guardian network. Still, there is an option to create our own shard, validated by Mute validators, opening up some powerful and exciting opportunities for the Mute ecosystem. A feasibility study will be carried out, and findings passed on to the DAO for their consideration.

MUTE 最後のニュース

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  • このコンテンツに関して修正すべき問題や問題があると思われる場合、またはご自身のICOプロジェクトをリストに載せたい場合は、電子メールでご連絡ください。
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