Move2EarnAPY Official

Move2EarnAPY Official

Created using Figma
Cosmos Heroes is bringing to life a childhood dream, a youth spent lost living in superhero fantasy worlds and revelling in the darkness of villainous backstories.
The problem was finding the perfect superhero that embodied our fantasy and values, the hours spent identifying the best superpower or constructing the ultimate archetype counterpart villain.
Transforming childhood dreams into a reality was the inspiration behind this creation. Cosmos Heroes shows everyone not how to become super but how to become heroes.
Each NFT will automatically participate in the Cosmos Heroes DAO where you will drive the direction of fan-driven initiatives such as web comics, MOBA & MMORPG GameFi projects and more.
These creations will become your Hero Origin.
To be announced

約 Move2EarnAPY Official

GameFi will never be the same again.

Through the Cosmos Heroes metaverses, your Superheroes become in-game yield generating NFTs that can live, breathe and battle in MMO worlds. They embark on thrilling adventures, earn rewards for victories and shape the Metaverse storyline.

Created using Unreal Engine 5, Cosmos Heroes metaverses will be the world’s first blockchain game to offer the rich and seamless gameplay traditional gamers deserve and great tokenomics to reward the play2 earn community as well.


Heroes and villains are essential characters in a superhero's struggle as they propel the balance the storyline between peace and struggle. The hero works toward the central story goals, while the villain works against the goals. This creates the perfect balanced duality.

In every superhero’s life, their equilibrium that is disrupted by the disequilibrium. In the world of Cosmos Heroes, we bring this conflict through staking, every owner of a Superhero NFT will be given a chance to own a super villain and a sidekick through staking.

We believe Web 3.0 is about empowerment and keeping people engaged, which then forms strong communities. Together, the owners of these Cosmos Heroes will broaden the narrative universe, making everyone’s characters more desirable.


Whether you are an upcoming artist or a seasoned pro, Cosmos Heroes is the platform to push your career to new heights. We are seeking aspiring artists around the world to help expand the Cosmos Universe. We believe the greatest reward an artist could have is to hold the rights to their own creation. The effort that goes into your piece of art is more than simply the time spent creating. The practice, gaining of knowledge, and skill are all evident in the finished product.

With the emergence of blockchain, we can truly move into what 3.0 is all about. It's about giving back control and granting ownership to the contributing community. Cosmos Heroes combines blockchain. technology to allow super hero enthusiasts to own a piece of the action.


We believe in building Cosmos Heroes around you, the community. By taking ownership of a Cosmos Hero NFT, you become part of a rare and selected DAO community that will drive the development of the characters, the Cosmos Heroes comic narrative and the development of the metaverse.

Like superheroes, when we are unified together, we work towards a collective goal of making the characters, the narrative, and the metaverse a desirable place to live and fight in.

The Multiverse is written and drawn into a series of comics where the story continuously evolves based on the community and DAO ideas on the path of the story-verse. New Super Heroes are created and the introduction of Super Villains are all decided by the community. This is the world’s first Comic and Game Multiverse that’s fully dictated, co-created and co-owned by the DAO holders. 


  • PHASE 1

  • 2,000
    Pre-made Superheroes
    DIY Superheroes
  • PHASE 2

  • Airdrop SideKick & Villains
    Tokenomics Reveal
    Metaverse. Game (Alpha)
  • PHASE 3

  • Metaverse Game PVE

Move2EarnAPY Official チーム

検証済み 0%


Calvin Ng
Roland Ong
Chairman Halls of heroes
Robin Tan
Galactic Tech Officer
Darren Wong
Cosmos Creator Director
Billy Magbanua
Operations Director

Move2EarnAPY Official 最後のニュース

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